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Prayers for “spiritual communion” available from Forward Movement

Long-standing practice in the Episcopal Church has offered a means for people to receive Holy Communion spiritually when it cannot be received physically. For example, in the Ministration with the Sick service in the Book of Common Prayer, the following rubric is given:

If a person desires to receive the Sacrament, but, by reason of extreme  sickness or physical disability, is unable to eat and drink the Bread and  Wine, the Celebrant is to assure that person that all the benefits of Communion are received, even though the Sacrament is not received with the mouth. (BCP, p, 457)

In these challenging times, many people may find themselves unable to receive Holy Communion physically due to illness or suspended worship gatherings. Forward Movement is pleased to offer a venerable resource from the Saint Augustine’s Prayer Book (Forward Movement, 2014) for use.

You may download a PDF of the Spiritual Communion prayers.

Forward Movement gives permission for these texts to be reproduced for noncommercial use within local worshiping communities. For other use, please contact us for copyright permissions.

These prayers are primarily intended for private, devotional use. However, it may be that some communities will find it helpful to use them in group settings. If you are using these for worship in the Episcopal Church, please ensure that you are attentive to rubrics and canons, and consult with your bishop if in doubt.

As the coronavirus situation unfolds, Forward Movement will continue to provide resources to support individuals, groups, and congregations. We have already offered a ChurchNext course, Prayer and Worship in Our Homes for free. Details on that course and other resources, such as podcasts and texts of the daily office, are available in an announcement.

Forward Movement is a ministry of the Episcopal Church that inspires disciples and empowers evangelists. With offices in Cincinnati, Ohio, Forward Movement has been serving the Episcopal Church since 1935 by producing resources such as Forward Day by Day, books, apps, pamphlets, conferences, courses, and more. Visit to learn more.


Forward Movement offers resources for prayer and worship at home

As we face a coronavirus pandemic, some churches are canceling worship services and other gatherings to slow the spread of disease. This means that many Christians will find themselves praying and worship at home instead of going to church.

Forward Movement is offering an array of free resources to support individuals, families, and groups as they worship and pray at home.

“Especially in this time, we must turn to Jesus Christ our Lord as we face fear and uncertainty,” said the Rev. Canon Scott Gunn, executive director of Forward Movement. “Though we may not be able gather in person with others in our churches, we can pray knowing that we are never alone, as Jesus has promised to be with us, even to the end of age.”

Resources for morning prayer and daily devotion are still available, as they have been. Links for texts, apps, and podcasts can be found below.

“ChurchNext, a ministry of Forward Movement, has released a set of free courses, Prayer and Worship in Our Homes,” said the Rev. Chris Yaw, director of ChurchNext. “These courses will equip people for prayer and worship even if they cannot gather with others in person in their churches.”

Prayer and Worship in Our Homes includes five classes:

  • Everyday Spiritual Practices with Keith Anderson
  • How to Pray with Christopher Martin
  • Praying with Saints with Scott Gunn and Tim Schenck
  • How to Pray Online with Karekin Yarian
  • Praying the Anglican Rosary with Suzanne Edwards-Acton


This is a free offering, and people can sign up at The course can be taken by individuals at a time of their own choosing, or a church group could take the class together  in a zoom-style online classroom. In that case, the leader guides the students through the classes, opens with prayer, watches the videos together, and then offers opportunities for discussion using the course discussion questions.

In addition to this new offering, there are two other courses currently available free of charge through Bridging the Political Divide by Parker Palmer will help you learn how to walk through our divisive political climate with grace and peace. Author and activist Parker J. Palmer shares inspirational and practical knowledge on how we might approach deep political division. A recent offering, Make Me an Instrument: A Guide to Civil Discourse, continues to be free for individuals or for groups.

Beyond ChurchNext online courses, Forward Movement has made morning prayer available in ways that support individual or family prayer. You can find the daily office (morning prayer, noonday prayer, evening prayer, or compline) at the Forward Movement Daily Prayer website. You can choose a variety of options to customize the prayers according to your preference. There is also a daily podcast, A Morning at the Office, with various people leading the prayers and reading the scripture lessons for the day.

The popular daily devotion Forward Day by Day is posted each day online, and it too is available as a podcast.

Both Forward Day by Day and the daily office are also included in Forward Movement’s app for Apple or Android for a one-time charge of $6.99.

Gunn said, “We are continuing to collect resources to offer for this unique time in our civic and church life. Stay tuned for more offerings.” Forward Movement’s customer service team is available by phone or email during normal business hours if you have questions about how we can support you and your church community.

Forward Movement is a ministry of the Episcopal Church that inspires disciples and empowers evangelists. With offices in Cincinnati, Ohio, Forward Movement has been serving the Episcopal Church since 1935 by producing resources such as Forward Day by Day, books, apps, pamphlets, conferences, courses, and more. Visit to learn more.

Forward Today: Praying together

Dear friends in Christ,

Our world seems to get more chaotic by the day. The news has been full of developments concerning the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). What are we to do as people of faith?

Of course, we can take care of ourselves and our communities following the guidance of medical professionals and government leaders. That goes without saying. But beyond that, we can pray. We can pray for wisdom, knowledge, strength, courage, and comfort. We can pray for ourselves, the sick, medical providers, government leaders, and others. We can pray.

Some churches are now under orders to avoid in-person gatherings of any kind. It is possible the ban on public gatherings will widen. Even if we cannot gather with our church community, we can pray with our church. We can pray together online. We can pray at the same time. We can pray knowing that somewhere in the world, others are saying the same prayers we are. We can pray knowing that we are always joined in prayer with the company of heaven. When we pray, we are never alone.

Forward Movement has several free resources to help you pray. You might like to pray the daily office—morning prayer, noonday prayer,  evening prayer, or compline—which you can find on our Daily Prayer website. All you need to do is visit the site, and your computer or phone will serve up the correct prayers and readings for your time of day. If you’re in a hurry, you can try the daily devotions for individuals and families, which only take a few seconds to pray. They’re online also.

Of course, you can also find these prayers in the Book of Common Prayer. Morning Prayer starts at page 37, and the daily devotions for individuals and families begin at page 136.

Perhaps you’d like to listen to the prayers. We offer a daily podcast of morning prayer—A Morning at the Office, which you can find on your favorite podcast platforms. You can also just point your browser to the podcast’s page and listen from there.

By the way, Forward Day by Day is also available as a podcast, and we post the reflection every day on our website.

We hope these free resources will be helpful in this difficult time and always. For now, I invite you to join me in prayer.

O God of peace, who hast taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be our strength: By the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee, to thy presence, where we may be still and know that thou art God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn
Executive Director



Image: Pixabay

This Week’s Sale: Gifts of God for the People of God

Worship can be a powerful way to encounter the living God. Our stories intersect with God’s story as the gifts of God are celebrated and shared by the people of God. Episcopal priest Furman L. Buchanan explores and reflects on each element of Holy Eucharist, the service most often held on Sunday mornings. Moving from the first spoken word of the service—blessed—to the last phrase—Thanks be to God—Buchanan explains the theological and scriptural elements of the service, helping newcomers and longtime members alike gain a deeper understanding of this gift of God.

Buchanan also shares his own stories, connecting pivotal life experiences with the words and actions of Holy Eucharist. Thoughtful questions at the end of each chapter invite readers to reflect on their own stories and how they connect with God’s story of love and life.

Regular: $15
This Week: $11.25

*Discount is valid until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST

March Staff Picks

Our March Staff Picks include two books and a podcast! The books are 10% off today only (March 10th, est) and the Forward Day by Day podcast is available anywhere you listen to podcasts!

Forward Through the Years
Forward Through the Years resonates with me right now. March is my birth month, and I wanted to see what the Spirit was saying in Forward Day by Day in different years in March. I connected with many of the meditations from March verses April and May. I wonder what you think of your birth month’s reflections throughout the years.”

The Forward Day by Day Podcast
“As someone always on the move, podcasts are my preferred format. The Forward Day by Day podcast is a great way to start my mornings, whether I plug my headphones in on an early morning walk or as I curl up with a cup of coffee.”

The Social Justice Bible ChallengeThe Social Justice Bible Challenge
“An important and powerful read, which will call you not only to prayer, but hopefully to action, as well.”

Forward Today: It’s never too late

Dear friends in Christ,

Lent started a week ago. Maybe you didn’t have time to plan a Lenten discipline. Maybe you tried one and it’s just not working. Maybe you’re too busy to even think about Lent.

I have good news. It’s never too late.

In the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, Jesus tells a story about how laborers who worked all day, who were hired later, and even those hired at the eleventh hour are rewarded with a full day’s wages. This is a parable rich with meaning.

It’s never too late.

There is more than enough of God’s grace. Even those who show up at the last minute are welcomed. By the way, it isn’t fair, because grace isn’t fair. In God’s economy, there is always enough. Those who show up first get their reward. Those who show up at the last minute get their reward.

It’s never too late.

There’s still a lot of Lent left. This very day, perhaps you’ll think about how to use the gift this season offers us. Lent is nothing more or nothing less than an invitation to repent, to turn back toward Jesus and away from all that distracts us.

I don’t know what you need. Maybe it’s a bit of prayer. Maybe it’s a bit of rest. Perhaps you need to make amends with someone from whom you are estranged. Perhaps you need to deny yourself some pleasure that keeps you from being directed toward Jesus. Whatever it is, there’s no time like the present.

It’s never too late.

God never gives up on us. You don’t need to “do” Lent in order to get on God’s good side. But savoring this season might be just the thing to help us remember the boundless gift of God’s grace.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn
Executive Director



Image: Pixabay

This Week’s Sale: Learning from London

As most mainline Christian denominations struggle with declining numbers, the Church of England in the Diocese of London is bucking the trend. In one of the most diverse, multi-faith, urban, and pluralistic cities in the world, London churches are growing and thriving against the odds, proclaiming the gospel afresh, and meeting the needs of their communities in creative, innovative, and life-changing ways. Based on more than six years of study, Jason A. Fout offers lessons from London, a road map to growth and revitalization for American churches-big and small, historic and newly started, evangelical and Anglo-Catholic. This remarkable guide offers practical tools as well as insight and inspiration for all who care about the future of the church.

“Crucial reading for everyone committed to evangelism and church growth.” -Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church

Regular: $18
This Week: $13.50

*Discount is valid until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST

Forward Today: Finding grace in ashes

Dear friends in Christ,

Today is Ash Wednesday, one of the most solemn days of the church year. For it is on this day that we confess all the ways we have failed God and one another, and we promise to do better. On this day, we also remember that God’s desire is to save us. The ash cross that we receive on this day is a sign of all that.

Several years ago, I was in the main public square of Cincinnati imposing ashes. Now I know not everyone loves “Ashes to Go”, and I have complicated thoughts about it myself. But I want to share one story.

A man walked up, seeing us standing there in vestments. We had a signboard that said something like, “Get your ashes today—It’s Ash Wednesday.” This man said, “I always wondered what this is about.” I explained that the ashes are a reminder that we’re going to die, but they are also a reminder that life is a gift. We should use this short, precious life well. The cross reminds us to turn back to God, to follow Jesus.

He said, “That sounds like exactly what I need.” He closed his eyes and looked completely at peace as I imposed the ashes, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” He walked away, in silence. I don’t know what this meant to him, or why it was just what he needed.

I do know this: I need this reminder today, and maybe you do, too. Our prayer is that of the church, “Grant that these ashes may be to us a sign of our mortality and penitence, that we may remember that it is only by your gracious gift that we are given everlasting life.”

Ashes are signs of our mortality, but they are also signs of grace. Our world needs more signs of grace.

Yours faithfully,



Scott Gunn
Executive Director

Image: Pixabay

Today’s Flash Sale: Walk in Love

Take a journey through The Book of Common Prayer, the Christian life, and basic beliefs of our faith, guided by two Episcopal priests—Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe. Walk through the liturgical year, the sacraments of the church, habits of daily prayer, and the teachings of Anglican Christianity. See how our prayer shapes our belief and our lives and how our beliefs lead us into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Regular: $22
Today: $16.50

*Discount is valid until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

Q&A on Instrument of Peace with Alan Yarborough

Last week, The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations and its Department of Faith Formation—along with ChurchNext, a ministry of Forward Movement—released Make Me an Instrument of Peace: A Guide to Civil Discourse. This 5-week course was designed to help us bridge the divides that keep us from moving forward and offers effective strategies to bring people together. Today, we hear from Alan Yarborough, Church Relations Officer of the Office of Government Relations.

What inspired you to create this course?
The first inspiration is perhaps obvious: the U.S. has been experiencing growing divisiveness over political issues, and my faith calls me to work toward right relationship with others. Reflecting on my personal experience growing up in the Church, I remember multiple examples of how our Church has held people together in disagreement—from the tension over electing an openly gay bishop to maintaining a purple parish in a Southern college town. Generally, Episcopalians place great importance on both communion and intelligent reflection. So I asked myself, how can we leverage that to help our communities not just heal, but do better seeking justice.

The second source of inspiration comes from our work in the Office of Government Relations, where we are tasked with representing the Church’s policies. We carry out our work in a political reality in Washington, D.C. That reality has Republicans and Democrats, with members of Congress whose views span the political spectrum. Our own Church population has a range of political views as well, and many Episcopalians disagree passionately about political issues. Whenever we have very different views, we need to engage with people across political differences – to better understand them, to share our perspective, and to have an impact on shaping our country’s policy and legislation. We are at our best when we listen and respond to people who have a host of perspectives. In some ways, this curriculum is about sharing with the wider Church the gift that I’ve received being on staff in this office doing this work.

Why is it important?
Understanding different perspectives is healthy for the development of our own. Through civil discourse with one another, we can challenge our own understandings of what is and is not just, what is and is not right. We may change our views or we may not. We may learn how we have been blinded by privileges or we can share our own perspective to others who may not have heard it before. Civil discourse is a tool, or an instrument, that helps us build relationships with those who have different views than our own and helps us to avoid demonizing and de-humanizing them. Bringing our ideas together into a sacred space for discourse will give us the best chance to address the toughest problems in our communities.

What is the biggest misunderstanding about civil discourse?
The biggest misunderstanding about civil discourse is that it means nothing other than being polite or nice to people. However, we view it as the opposite in some ways! We think it means to care enough about someone to challenge them, but also to listen to them.

Civil discourse does not mean you must abandon your point of view. We also do not believe engaging in conversation to enhance understanding is about silencing others or is an excuse to water down or weaken one’s principles. The staff of the Office of Government Relations practice civil discourse all the time—we meet with lawmakers and policymakers who have different views than the positions of the Church. We are passionate and informed advocates about the issues we are speaking for the Church on, but we also do our best to listen, to understand opposing perspectives, and to bring that knowledge back to the Church. Also, civil discourse does not promise freedom from discomfort or protection from truth. Those who claim civil discourse as justification to silence voices are not practicing civil discourse—they’re just contributing to the further marginalization of others.

What is your hope for this course?
My hope for this course is to both raise the profile of civil discourse and help people become better equipped for it. It is not a media-worthy or glamorous way of sharing one’s views or seeking to understand others’ perspectives. Civil disobedience, public witnesses, marches, and protests—legitimate means of political engagement—often get more media coverage and attention, because that is the goal. Civil discourse is quieter. It is harder to help others understand the transformative impact it can have on our relationships. It is daily work – rooted in listening and understanding, humility and openness. We must reinforce our ability to have difficult conversations, expressing gratitude for the diversity of perspectives we can bring together if we try.

What was your favorite part of developing this course?
Bringing something positive into a climate that is so negatively charged. Again, it is not that civil conversations are happy and comfortable and always feel good. But I do believe that through more intentional interactions, with deeper listening, with more honest sharing, we will have a much better chance at reversing the trend of division. We may not come to more agreement, but we will be able to see those who disagree with us as our neighbors, fellow parishioners, and fellow humans.

What else would you like readers and participants to know?
In approaching this work, I want readers and participants to take a step back and challenge themselves to think in a more expansive way. This work is not something new, and division and disagreement are not something new. I understand how people are discouraged, and I understand how in one year people view this work as anti-Democrat while the next year others view it as anti-Republican. But the practice of civil discourse work is far deeper and long-standing than this. Work on the original version of this curriculum began before the 2016 election, and two years before that, Presiding Bishop Katharine Schori led an event on civil discourse. You can go way back to the Protestant Reformation and Anglican via media to find roots for our institution’s engagement with civil discourse. We must think more expansively about the humanity of those with whom we disagree. We must recognize the complexity of counter-arguments and opposing views, and move beyond simplified arguments and demonization.

Make Me an Instrument of Peace: A Guide to Civil Discourse is available for individuals and groups

Forward Movement books win top honors

We are excited and honored to announce that five books recently released by Forward Movement have been recognized as among the year’s best Christian books by the Illumination Book Awards.

Learning from London: Church Growth in Unlikely Places, by Jason A. Fout, won the gold medal in the Ministry/Mission category. Two silver medals were won: the Way of Love Bible Challenge, edited by Mark P. Zabriskie, won silver in the Bible Study category while Gifts of God for the People of God: Exploring Worship in the Episcopal Church, by Furman L. Buchanan, won a silver medal for Theology. Additionally, a bronze medal was won in the Devotional category for Angels of the Bible: Finding Grace, Beauty, and Meaning, by Kate Moorehead with Scott Brown. Faith & Courage: Praying with Mandela, by Thabo Makgoba, was awarded the bronze medal for Biography/Memoir.

“I’ve often encountered clergy in America who are either discouraged by our decline (and not sure what to do), or who are defensive about our decline (and pretty sure there’s nothing we can do),” said Jason Fout, author of Learning from London: Church Growth in Unlikely Places. “What is striking about the example of the Diocese of London is that it has shown genuine growth, over time, across church parties, and in a context in which churchgoing and explicit Christian faith is much rarer than in our country. These are stories of different approaches that are bearing fruit there, with promise as well for our own ministry setting.”

The Way of Love Bible Challenge helps readers become grounded in some inspirational scripture readings that move Christians forward into action and spiritual practices that transform our lives and transform the world as well. It’s an ideal simple book to help Christians lead a well-balanced Christian faith and apply it to every day of their life.”

“I wrote Gifts of God for the People of God to help newcomers to Episcopal liturgy spiritually connect with worship—not just quickly, but deeply,” said Furman Buchanan. “The delightful surprise for me is how much regular worshippers and even ‘cradle Episcopalians’ are resonating with this book.”

“I have long felt the presence of angels but never had the courage to look deeply at the Scripture that describes them,” said Kate Moorehead, author of Angels of the Bible: Finding Grace, Beauty, and Meaning. “This book is a journey into the mysteries of celestial beings that exist in dimensions far beyond our understanding. It has been my great joy to explore their diversity and beauty.”

“I hope the book shows that reconciliation is possible in the most difficult of situations and will point to the hope and the grace that is in store for us as Anglicans, as Christians, as people of God, when we work at forgiveness and reconciliation within the Communion,” said Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, author of Faith & Courage: Praying with Mandela.


We are so very grateful for the hard work of our talented authors and for the continued support of our readers. Thank you!

Forward Today: Healing in a time of division

Dear friends in Christ,

Last Sunday, our Gospel reading reminded us that we are judged not only for our actions, but also for what’s in our hearts. It’s not enough to get through the week without killing someone (though we surely must avoid murder!). If we are filled with anger, we are liable to judgement (Mt 5:21-22).

If you spend much time watching cable news or surveying social media, it’s pretty clear there’s a lot of anger in our society. In some ways, it’s understandable. We are more aware of divisions than we might have been a few years ago. And some divisions are widening. It’s easy to blame others, to become angry in our grief, or to resent it when people point out the ways we might benefit from our own position. There are lots of reasons to be angry.

What are we to do? Separating ourselves from those who are different will neither keep us safe nor will it lead to reconciliation. If we’re going to reconcile, we’ll need to sort out how to be in relationship. To that end, Forward Movement has just released, in partnership with the Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations and the Faith Formation department, an online ChurchNext course called “Make Me an Instrument of Peace: A Guide to Civil Discourse”. It’s a free, five-part course covering civil discourse in context, tenets for civil discourse, values-based conversations, the complexities of policy, and sacred space for debate. The course is available for individuals or groups.

I hope you’ll check it out. We also offer the free resource No Longer Strangers: Exploring Immigration Issues.

Now, I should note that the Bible makes it pretty clear that there is a place for righteous anger. Sometimes when people call for “civility” it is a way to keep the marginalized at the margins. Righteous anger speaks the truth in love, and it comes from a place of concern for others. When I speak of keeping our hearts free of anger, we’re talking about the anger that wells up in us and prevents us from loving God and loving our neighbors.

As Lent approaches, I encourage us all to look in our own hearts. Are we leaving room for adoration of God, or are we filled with anger? Are we ready to practice reconciliation? Are we ready to speak the truth in love as we love our neighbors?

Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, give us peace in our time.

Yours faithfully,



Scott Gunn
Executive Director

Image: The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations

Today’s Flash Sale: Saint Augustine’s Prayer Book

Saint Augustine’s Prayer Book is a book of prayer and practice–with disciplines, habits, and patterns for building a Christian spiritual life. It will help you to develop strong habits of prayer, to prepare for and participate in public liturgy thoughtfully, and to nurture a mind and soul ready to work and give and pray for the spread of the kingdom. Saint Augustine’s Prayer Book features “Holy Habits of Prayer,” devotions to accompany Holy Eucharist, Stations of the Cross, and Stations of the Resurrection, and a wide range of litanies, collects, and prayers for all occasions. The newly revised edition includes the treasured liturgies and prayers of the original while offering some important updates in language and content. Revised and edited by well-regarded scholars David Cobb and Derek Olsen, the Saint Augustine’s Prayer Book is a wonderful gift as well as a handsome addition to your own prayer book collection. Comes leather-bound (black) with two ribbons in a gift box.

Regular: $28
Today: $21

*Discount is valid until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

Forward Today: Choose life

Dear friends in Christ,

This Sunday, one of our readings comes from Deuteronomy. Moses is speaking to God’s people, telling them they have two choices. They can choose to follow God’s commandments, then they will know life and prosperity. Or they can choose to turn away from God, in which case they will know death and adversity.

My experience is that we tend not to like to think about following God’s commandments this way. We don’t much like to think about consequences for turning away, or blessings for turning to God. Now, I’m certainly not suggesting anything remotely like the so-called prosperity gospel peddled by hucksters posing as TV preachers. I do think that the abundant life that Jesus promises—full of an awareness of all that God has done and will do for us—waits for us, if we but repent and turn toward God.

Moses urges the people to “Choose life!” I’ve no doubt that if he miraculously appeared among us today, he’d say the same thing to us.

Our world seems more and more chaotic. Busyness overwhelms us. The news attempts to terrify us. Violence and degradation proliferate. What are we to do?

I think if we turn our hearts and our lives toward God, patterning our lives according to God’s commandments and purposes for us, we will see some changes in our lives. Some of those tasks that seemed urgent will recede in importance. We will remember that fear has no grip on us. Perhaps we will be emboldened by the Gospel to resist degradation and to seek peace. The world might seem more beautiful and less chaotic.

In other words, we might find that we have chosen life.

We know that these decisions are not one-time affairs. Every day we have multiple opportunities to choose life…or not.

Have you chosen life? What is that like? Have you turned away from God? What was that like? What might help you choose life, today and always?

Yours faithfully,



Scott Gunn
Executive Director

Image: Unsplash

Today’s Flash Sale: The Path

The PathWalk in the footsteps of faithful men and women who have done their best to follow God’s call. The Path is the story of the Bible, excerpted from the New Revised Standard Version so that it is clear and easy to read. Follow the path of God’s love all the way from the beginning to the end, from Adam’s creation to John’s revelation.

With informative trail signs to help you see how each piece of the narrative fits together, The Path is an experience unlike any other: an amazing 360-degree overview of the vast, sweeping story of God’s extraordinary love for ordinary people. Join us on this epic adventure, a journey through the Bible to grow closer to God.

Regular: $22
Today: $16.50

*Discount is valid until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time