Tag Archives: Forward Today

Forward Today: Sharing the Good News in all places

A pale blue sky and a pink-orange sunrise, seen through a close-up of scrubby plants in the hills of California.
Photo by OC Gonzalez on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

Last Sunday, we celebrated the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a rich and complex feast, with many fruitful ways to approach our celebration. This year, I’m struck by how this wondrous event reveals Jesus Christ as the Savior of all. The voice from heaven was heard by everyone.

That’s not all. In the reading from Acts, we heard that the apostles in Jerusalem learned that the people of Samaria had received the Good News, so they dispatch Peter and John to offer ministry. There’s a lot to unpack here.

Let’s start with the place: Samaria. This is not a land that most Judeans would want to spend time in, let alone try to convert people to following Jesus. And yet that’s just what happened. The disciples were not afraid to embark on unfamiliar, stranger, or even hostile work. And the fruit was manifest: many people responded to the invitation to follow Jesus as Lord.

We could learn some things from this. Too often, I see our church shrinking back from challenges—an unwillingness to preach where it might be tough, a fear of the unknown, a resignation to secularism, or the simple embrace of church decline as inevitable.

Perhaps this Epiphany season, we will absorb the astonishing news: the Gospel is for all. If we are willing to be Spirit-led, the impossible becomes possible. We must not commit the sin of attempting to hoard the Good News for ourselves.

Let us rejoice that God has offered salvation to us and to all people. And then let us hasten to share that gift with the world.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Now available: Colorable calendars for Lent and Easter

Our newest devotional returns to the roots of our ministry

Hospitality as a way of life for churches: Invite Welcome Connect

Share scripture and reflection with 10 packs of Forward Day by Day

Forward Today: A new year, a new life

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

Happy New Year! On the one hand, it might seem silly to celebrate starting a new calendar. But the Christian faith is a lifetime of new beginnings. Every day gives us the opportunity to die to old ways and to be renewed in God’s love. Secular culture encourages “new year’s resolutions” and this seems like as good a chance as any to turn over a new leaf—not for self-improvement, but to glorify God.

Today is a week past Christmas Day, and this is the day when the church celebrates the Holy Name of Jesus.

Give thanks today for the name above all names. And call on him to make his love known to you as this day brings new horizons, new love, and a new year.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

A new author begins today: Forward Day by Day

Get ready for Lent with our new devotional: The Disciple’s Way

Pray with us throughout the Twelve Days: prayer.forwardmovement.org

Forward Today: Happy Christmas!

Detail of a large icon in St Paul Orthodox Church in Dayton, OH. Iconographer Dmitri Shkolnik. Photo: Ted on Flickr

Dear friends in Christ,

After months of commercial cacophony about Christmas shopping, the day is finally here. The dawn is like any other day—except for the excitement of little ones early in the morning, if you have kids in your home. Maybe you want to church last night—or maybe you’ll go today.

The feast we celebrate is singular, but this day itself is like every other. And in that juxtaposition is the meaning of Christmas itself.

Born life every other baby in humble circumstances, the Word was made flesh. No longer distant or remote, our Father sent his only Son to live with us. God-among-us.

And that is the Good News of this day. We are never alone, never far from God. Our God loves us more than we can imagine, and he will never abandon us. Jesus Christ knows our sorrows and our joys, and he brings us redemption and healing.

Take a quiet moment and give thanks for God’s love. Happy Christmas to you and all whom you love.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Look back on a year of ministry: 2024 Annual Report

Pray with us throughout the Twelve Days: prayer.forwardmovement.org

Share your joy and support our ministry: Donate today

Forward Today: God’s promises are sure

Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

We are nearing the end of our journey through Advent. Once again, we have spent time as a church yearning and preparing to meet Jesus Christ.

This Sunday’s Gospel reading gives us Mary’s song, the Magnificat. I’ve heard this read sometimes as a to-do list— we should feed the hungry, and so on. Of course, we SHOULD feed the hungry, but reading the Magnificat this way misses the point. It makes Mary’s song about us.

In fact, the Magnificat is about God and his steadfast promises. Mary is singing about the deeds and power of God from the centuries before her time. She is recounting all that God has done, knowing that God’s acts in the past are assurances that God will act in the future.

Mary is magnifying God because she knows that God is about to do a wondrous thing in sending the savior of the world to live among us, not in power and glory but as a vulnerable baby born in humble circumstances. Truly, this is wondrous!

And Mary is reminding all who sing with her that God always looks out for the lowly, the least, and the lost. Christmas is perhaps the chief example of God’s way of working in the world to bring about our salvation, but it is only one (stellar!) example in an entire history filled with God’s deeds.

Let us with joy prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. And let us give thanks that God never gives up on us, that God is always working in our lives and in our world to bring about our redemption. Let us all magnify the Lord!

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Last chance! Grab your Epiphany calendar today

Delve into Mary’s song and others like it: Bible Women

Reflect on the last few days of the season: AdventWord

Our ministry in numbers and stories: 2024 Annual Report

Forward Today: John the Baptist is talking to us!

Dear friends in Christ,

Every year in the midst of Advent, we encounter the bracing prophecy of John the Baptist. 2,000 years ago, he was a voice crying in the wilderness. Today, he is a tiny voice crying out in a cacophonous world of consumption and distraction. We all do well to clear away the noise and listen to this prophet.

One occupational hazard of Christians is that we read scripture’s warnings as applying to OTHER people. It’s tempting to read the stories of scriptures with ourselves in the place of heroes and someone else in the place of villains. This is a kind of tacit judgement. Jesus warned us about this. And, yes, he’s talking to you and to me!

Our job is to work out our own salvation in fear and trembling. If we notice another who has stumbled, our job is to invite them to a life in Christ—shaped by his grace and mercy— not to heap condemnation on them. Instead, we should get our own hearts in line.

This Sunday, we hear the prophet say,
“Bear fruits worthy of repentance. Do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our ancestor’; for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham.”

Imagine he’s saying this:
“Bear fruits worthy of repentance. Do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We are the right kind of Christians already; for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children of God.”

Our world is increasingly polarized. We are taught to despise THOSE PEOPLE, whoever they are. But this is not the way of Jesus. He offers salvation to all who will accept the gift. Our task as his followers is to tend to our own hearts, and to invite others to a new life in Christ.

The prophet tells us the way. Live well, treat people fairly, share what we have, look for Jesus. In other words, love God and love our neighbors.

There’s no better time than right now to hear the prophet’s voice and to accept his invitation.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

In case you missed it: Our Holiday Gift Guide for 2024

Look back on a year of ministry: 2024 Annual Report

Follow AdventWord for daily reflections throughout this season

Flash Sale: Get your Epiphany calendars today!

Forward Today: It’s not too late for Advent!

Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

We’re four days into the season of Advent. Maybe you have a brilliant Advent practice and your beautiful Advent wreath is ready to be lighted in the evening. If so, wonderful! But maybe the whole season snuck up on you. After all, Thanksgiving and the heavy advertising of Black Friday can be plenty to focus on.

If so, I’m here to give you some great news. It’s not too late for Advent! In fact, this is one of my favorite teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: it’s never too late.

You don’t need an Instagram-worthy Advent wreath to be a real Christian. You can go without one, or you can grab any four candles or lights or whatever you like. We have a LEGO wreath at our house.

This season is the church’s gift to us all, an invitation to return to the Lord—to prepare our hearts and our minds to greet Jesus whenever we meet him. Sure, Advent is partly about getting ready for our Christmas worship. But it’s also about opening ourselves to be ready to meet Jesus in the sacraments; in the body of Christ, the church; in the scriptures; and in those whom we serve in his name. Of course, we’re also making sure we’re ready should he return in glory. And we’ll all meet him one day, as he will judge both the living and the dead. That’s all of us.

So how to do that, especially if the whole season snuck up on you? Spending a bit more time in prayer in this season can be helpful. If your church offers Advent programs or classes, sign up. Listen to Advent music. Read the scriptures—one way is to read one chapter of Luke’s Gospel each day. That gets you from December 1 to December 24, and you’re only a couple of days “behind.”

If you want some help, Forward Movement brings you AdventWord, a daily word to reflect on. You can receive the reflections in email or on social media. Or you can get an ebook (instant delivery!) of one of our recent Advent devotions:

Have a blessed Advent, in whatever form the holy season takes for you.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

New this year: Walking In The Light calendar for Epiphany

Our ministry in numbers and stories: 2024 Annual Report

Read through Luke’s Gospel in this 50 Day Bible Challenge

Forward Today: Gratitude, always

Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

Tomorrow, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. This is one of those times when the church keeps a feast on a secular holiday. Our prayer book sets this day aside as a major feast.

The history of Thanksgiving Day is complicated, and it’s worth exploring to see what we can learn. But today I simply want to express my gratitude for a feast that invites us to express our gratitude. Gratitude upon gratitude!

Given all the headlines, one might be tempted to skip an occasion to offer our thanks to God. There’s so much to fix in our world! Violence and division seem endemic. Greed and fear run amok. In a time like this, it’s more important than ever to pause and give thanks.

There isn’t a person alive who hasn’t received blessings from God. Life itself is a gift. God has richly blessed us and our world. And if nothing else, we can give thanks “for the means of grace and for the hope of glory” in Jesus Christ.

For my part, I want to share some of the things for which I’m grateful. At Forward Movement, I’m thankful for a passionate and faithful staff who do excellent work to build up the body of Christ. I’m grateful for generous donors who make it possible for us to offer free materials online and to send free booklets and books to those in need, especially people who are in prisons. And I’m filled with gratitude for God’s call to serve him in his church, for the opportunity to testify to God’s goodness and to invite others to know the love of Jesus.

For what are you grateful?

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

P.S. You won’t hear from us on Giving Tuesday because we believe every day is an opportunity for gratitude and generosity. We welcome your offering of thanksgiving to God anytime, sharing new and Christ-centered ministry resources.

More from our ministry:

Our ministry in numbers and stories: 2024 Annual Report

Get your Christmas and Epiphany calendars today

Gratitude and giving as spiritual practices: Vital Signs of Life

Share these spiritual playing cards with your littlest loved ones

Forward Today: The King of kings and Lord of lords

Photo: Scott Gunn

Dear friends in Christ,

This weekend we celebrate the last Sunday of our church year, a day on which we always focus on the kingship of Christ. The collect beautifully sums up what this celebration is all about:

Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Let us pray those words fervently.

Politicians and those seeking office have been much in the news lately. We who follow Jesus do well to remember that he is our king. No earthly ruler has the ultimate claim on us.

And what kind of king is Jesus? He is nothing like most political leaders. He came not to be served, but to serve. His rule is gracious, that is, full of grace and mercy. He is always loving. He brings us not condemnation for our sins, but a path to salvation by the remission of our sins.

May all our hearts be governed by Jesus. And may our love of Jesus lead us to love our neighbors and seek their well-being.

We are also on the cusp of Advent, as we prepare ourselves to worship Jesus at Christmas but also to greet him when he comes in glory.

Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come. Be for us the King of kinds and Lord of lords.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

P.S. If you are looking for ways to observe Advent, check out Forward Movement’s books and other materials for the season. Order by this Saturday, November 23, to ensure delivery before the First Sunday of Advent (December 1).

More from our ministry:

Last chance to order Advent calendars for 2024!

New this year: Calendars for Christmas and Epiphany

Devotions for each Person of the Trinity: A Generous Beckoning

Sign up for free email meditations: AdventWord.org

Forward Today: The advent of Advent

Dear friends in Christ,

It may well seem like every moment of every day is focused on the coming election. And as I wrote last week, I hope we are all praying and working for wise decisions in this time.

It’s also true that Advent is just around the corner. Whatever happens on election day, our nation will seem to grow more and more divided. Deep rifts have been laid bare. This makes Advent more important than ever.

Advent will be an excellent season to remember another time, in another nation, when violence and separation seemed to rule. And into that world came Jesus Christ, promising peace through mercy and grace. Advent also reminds us that one day Jesus will come in glory, setting right those things which are wrong, bringing healing where there are wounds, and rendering judgement on all.

I know that I am already yearning for Advent as a time to regain my perspective and to restore my sense of hope.

Forward Movement offers several resources to help you and your church savor the richness of Advent.

You can get packs of colorable Advent calendars—created by Jay Sidebotham—to support families in your church through the season.

Our newly published Advent devotional book, Show Me Your Ways, O Lord, takes us on a reflective journey through some of the psalms traditionally associated with Advent. And we offer other Advent devotional books as well.

Let us pray for peace and justice as we prepare our churches, our world, and our hearts to greet Jesus Christ.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Join our online Advent calendar: AdventWord

Pray with us for the next week: A Season of Prayer

Celebrate the Twelve Days: Colorable Christmas calendar

Follow Jesus’ way through scripture: The Way of Love Bible Challenge

Forward Today: A season of prayer

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

We are getting very close to an important election in the life of our nation. At all levels— local, state, national—critical decisions will be made about who leads us.

This ought to matter greatly to all of us who follow Jesus. Our Lord commanded us to love our neighbors. One way to love our neighbors is to seek their well-being by political means.

It’s clear that there are sharply different views of which direction our nation should take. And the same division can be found in most states and in many local communities. The end result is that this time seems to be pushing us toward division rather than uniting us as a people who seek the common good.

There are many things we can do as followers of Jesus. We can volunteer in political campaigns or even seek public office. We can encourage voting. We can work for free and fair elections. Above all, we can pray.

Forward Movement invites you to join in a nine-day cycle of prayer for our nation and for this election. Praying for nine days is an ancient rhythm; it’s long enough to feel sustainable, but brief enough to be accessible to all. The season starts October 29 and ends the day after the election, November 6.

All the prayers are taken from the Book of Common Prayer. Forward Movement has put together bulletin inserts and some social media to use in local churches. The materials are also available in Spanish. Social media posts will begin on October 29 on Forward Movement’s Facebook and Instagram channels.

We encourage you to download the materials and use them or share them as you see fit.

And now, let us pray.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

2024 calendars now available: Slow Down. Quiet. It’s Advent

Reflect on the psalms of Advent: Show Me Your Ways, O Lord

Support free offerings like the Season of Prayer: Donate today

Intercessions for all sorts and conditions of people: Prayers for All Occasions