In this week’s edition of our weekly Wednesday newsletter, Scott writes about slowing down during the summer season–and how we can find a new pace in our spiritual lives.
Dear friends in Christ,
Next week is the official start of summer, but for many people, the rhythm of life will have changed already. If you have students at your house, they’re probably done or close to done for the academic year. Many congregations’ program lives slow down for the summer. Children go to camp. Vacation plans are made. We might spend more time outdoors on the porch. Life slows down a bit.

What will you do with extra time–time that comes from the slower pace of summer, vacation time, and more hours of daylight? Maybe “nothing” is a good answer. Lord knows, in our always-on, endlessly busy culture, we need the rest. If that’s your plan, I salute you.
You might want to spend some time this summer taking up new habits or reading new books. Maybe this is a good time to try out the daily office as you sit on the porch. Or maybe you’ll want to do some reading that helps to deepen your faith. Lots of publishers have great titles, fiction and nonfiction. If you’re looking for suggestions from Forward Movement, I’d offer The Path or Inwardly Digest. The Path takes you on a journey through the great narrative of scripture. Inwardly Digest beckons you to encounter our Book of Common Prayer with depth and devotion.
We’ve also just published The Power of Imperfection. “Many of us go through life feeling as if we are failing to be the person we could be. But as this liberating book explores, there is power to be found in imperfection.”
However you use your time this summer, may God bless you.
Yours faithfully,
Scott Gunn
Executive Director
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