Forward Today: Holy Cross, holy love

Dear friends in Christ,

Tomorrow the church celebrates Holy Cross Day. On one level, this feast day commemorates the finding of the true cross in the fourth century. But at a wider level, this is an opportunity to give thanks for the cross – an awful yet glorious instrument of our salvation.

My sense is that many of us have domesticated the cross at some level. It’s easy for familiarity to tame our shock. I’m not a fan of sensationalist, bloody attempts to depict the cross, but maybe they have a place. For my part, whenever I feel like I’m losing the plot, I imagine an image of Jesus strapped to an electric chair, or standing there in front of a firing squad. It’s repulsive. And that’s not a bad reaction to contemplating the execution of our Lord and Savior.

Of course, horror isn’t the whole point either. Our horror at the death of Jesus Christ for us is a path toward grasping the magnitude of his willing sacrifice for us and for our salvation. It’s only God’s extravagant grace that could do such a thing.

In other words, we’d be missing the point if we just saw the cross as a horrific means of execution. And we’d be missing the point if we treated the cross like an item to add in our Christian décor. This day is an invitation to us to see the cross for what it is: the place where God’s great love meets the depths of human sin.

On the cross, we see God’s love for us poured out. We see a God who is not remote and uncaring, but who loves us so much that our Father sent his only Son to give his life for us. And I hope we hear Christ’s own invitation to us to take up our cross and follow him – to be willing to join in God’s sacrificial love.

The collect for the day puts this all beautifully. Let us pray:

Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ was lifted high upon the cross that he might draw the whole world to himself: Mercifully grant that we, who glory in the mystery of our redemption, may have grace to take up our cross and follow him; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Just announced: AdventWord selections for 2023

Explore grace and other key beliefs: Walk in Love

Stations of the Cross and other devotions: Saint Augustine’s Prayer Book

Get ready for Advent: Preparing the Way

Pray with us every day:

Forward Today: Where is your heart?

Photo by RODOLFO BARRETO on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

Jesus famously said, “For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:25). The meaning is clear. We can lead our hearts with our treasure.

If you want to be more generous, give away some money! If you want to be compassionate, spend your money compassionately. If you want to be Christ-centered, make sure your gifts to support God’s work are the first item in your budget.

Jesus didn’t say this, but I like to imagine he would have added, “And where your time is, there your heart will be also.” In countless conversations with people, one theme I hear regularly is that lots of us feel like there’s not enough time. Sometimes I feel this way myself. As a society, we don’t sleep enough. We don’t play enough. We tend toward frazzled.

I’ve heard more than one person say, “I wish I had more time to pray.” Maybe I’ve uttered those words myself. One great blessing of my Medical Melodrama of 2022 is that I got my prayer life in order, better than it’s been my whole life. Now morning AND evening prayer are baked into my routine. Every day. And you know what? It’s changed me. It’s not that my problems have gone away, but when I’m anchored in prayer, I am more patient, more attentive, more joyful. (And, to be clear, I still have a LOT of room for improvement on all fronts!)

What about you? How is your calendar? If Jesus looked over your shoulder at your schedule for the week, could he tell that you follow him?

I don’t have answers here. But I can tell you that I see in my own life the difference between those times I orient my days as a disciple and those times I orient my days as someone who’s stuck on the hamster wheel of the consumer lifestyle. I don’t have it figured out yet, but the patterns are clear.

Treating each day is a gift is definitely the way to go. Spending time in prayer is well worth it—it pulls our hearts closer to God. Time nurturing friendships is a delight.

If it helps, Forward Movement has some podcasts that can help you find time for prayer even on the go. And you might like to start or end your day with a devotion. There are lots of folks providing excellent materials for us when we want to lead our hearts.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

On sale now: Preparing the Way: Christian Practices for Advent

A beautiful, compact edition of the Daily Office: Hour by Hour

Wealth, poverty, and Christian community: The Unjust Steward

Shake up your devotional routine: Devotions for People who Don’t Do Devotions


Forward Today: The Episcopal Church welcomes you… why?

Dear friends in Christ,

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been writing about welcoming guests to our churches, from the outside to the inside. But even more important than how we welcome guests, we need to talk about why we welcome guests.

Of course, we want to welcome guests to our churches with kindness for lots of reasons. Being decent human beings is a fine reason! As I’ve said before, many people who show up in a church for the first time are experiencing a major life transition, so a kind gesture might have a huge impact just when it’s needed.

But there are other reasons. For one thing, we meet Jesus when we welcome strangers. He said so in Matthew 25. Hospitality is very important in the scriptures, as we read again and again.

The mission Jesus gave us is to make disciples of all nations. It’s hard to do that if we don’t do a good job of welcoming people who show up in our churches. I’ve heard horror stories of parents being scolded for bringing kids, of churches keeping the bathroom locked to keep visitors from using it, of visitors getting the silent treatment at coffee hour, and so on. Don’t do that! Be kind!

The best way to know if your church is truly welcoming is to invite some “mystery worshipers.” Get some folks to come along some Sunday and see how they’re treated. Then you’ll know. And the good news is it’s all fixable. Every church can learn—because the church is made up of people, and we can always learn and grow.

We could all benefit from applying one important bit of the Rule of Benedict: “Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ, for he is going to say, “I came as a guest, and you received Me” (Matt. 25:35).

Let us joyfully greet Jesus Christ.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

P.S. This week, we’re doing a very rare thing: having a big sale! You can purchase beautiful gift edition copies of the Book of Common Prayer, stock up on Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices, and dive into Inwardly Digest at a 25% discount. This sale ends on August 31, so get your orders in today. Perfect timing for welcoming new members in the fall.

More from our ministry:

Help visitors find your church with an official Episcopal Church sign

Dive deeper into scripture: A Journey with Matthew Bible Challenge

Stories and tools to transform your church: Invite Welcome Connect

From Grow Christians: Entering St. Bartholomew’s Stories

Forward Today: Welcoming guests (continued)

Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

Last week, I wrote about welcoming guests starting from the outside of your church. This week, let’s talk about the inside.

I can tell you, I’ve visited lots of churches and experience a wide range of hospitality (or lack thereof). Let’s start with some negative experiences.

When I moved to a new town some years ago, I visited a number of Episcopal congregations, mostly smaller churches. I got one of two welcomes, both terrible in their own way. Some churches were clearly desperate for new members, so they literally asked me to be on their vestry before they asked for my name. And so on. Others were just the opposite. I began to worry that I had accidentally taken an invisibility potion: they completely and utterly ignored me.

Those are the extremes of bad welcome. Don’t ignore people, and don’t smother them. Fortunately, most of my experience as a guest has been quite good.

A couple of weeks ago, I visited a church. Someone noticed I was new on the way in, and they made sure I had a leaflet and knew where to sit. And they welcomed me warmly. After the service, the clergy encouraged me to come to coffee hour. When I arrived there, someone found me and struck up a conversation. It was delightful. If I lived there, I’d go back.

Good hospitality takes good intentionality. Raise up a ministry of greeters (different from ushers) whose only job is to welcome everyone, especially people who might be there for the first time. If they have a child in tow, help them with whatever they need to know (are there classes?).

Encourage members to say hello to guests. Offer some coaching on how to strike up a conversation that invites folks in, without causing offense or putting people off.

Shorten the passing of the peace, or at least train folks to pay attention to guests. If you are visiting a church, it’s no fun to stand there with your hands in your pockets for several minutes while all the members catch up. And that’s not what the peace is for, anyway!

Coffee hour is a danger zone! Make sure guests are welcomed and invited into conversation.

Why do we do this? Because Jesus said when we welcome strangers, we are welcoming Christ himself.

On a less theological note, studies have shown that when people walk through the doors of a church for the first time, it’s likely they’re experiencing major transition in their lives. They have moved. They have a new job, or they’ve lost a job. Someone is dying or has died. A child is coming. And so on. People are fragile in these moments, and a gracious welcome can make all the difference in the world. So can a horrible welcome.

Fall is coming, and so are guests. Now is a great time to talk about how you can make sure your church is welcoming people warmly.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Stories and tools to transform your church: Invite Welcome Connect

New this month: A Journey through Genesis Bible Challenge

From Grow Christians: Do not fear

Forward Today: Welcoming guests

Dear friends in Christ,

Image by Tom Sramek Jr from Pixabay

As summer comes to a close, schools are starting up again. Many churches are beginning a new program year with classes and other ministries. The early fall is a time when many churches see an influx of guests, as this is a natural time to go searching for a church.

Are you ready for guests? Is your church building ready?

Over the next two or three weeks, I want to explore hospitality in these weekly messages. This week, let’s think about the outside of your church.

When you get used to attending your church, it’s easy to start to overlook things, to forget how everything looks to a first-time guest. But if you want to be welcoming for guests, you have to be ready to see your church through their eyes.

This is a good time to check some basics. Is it obvious which door to use to enter? Is there a side door that “everyone knows about” but it’s not the big door by the church tower? Is the parking situation clear? Do you need some signs to help people navigate on their first visit?

Would someone in a wheelchair know how and where to enter your church?

Does the sign show the correct Sunday service times?

And how about the landscaping? Is your lawn well cared for?

These things might seem like they shouldn’t matter, but they do. First impressions matter, and a first-time guest’s first impression of your church begins before they set foot in the door.

Next week we’ll talk about welcoming guests once they’re inside. But this week, I encourage you to try to see your church through the eyes of someone who’s never been there before. If possible, ask a friend to help you out by being a “mystery guest” and telling you their impressions.

We live in a world where people are yearning for a word of hope. Coming to a church can be scary for folks who have never been, or who haven’t been in a long time. We can ease the way for our guests by offering a gracious welcome. Now is a good time to get ready.

Our goal in welcoming guests is not to sell them a membership to our club but rather to welcome people in Christ’s name. Warm hospitality is a blessing to receive and to give.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Welcome passersby to your church with an Episcopal Church sign

From Grow Christians: The Power of Presence

Equip and empower churches to practice hospitality: Invite Welcome Connect

New release: Devotions for People who Don’t Do Devotions

Forward Today: Believe in your heart

Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

This coming Sunday, our lectionary includes verses from the tenth chapter of Romans, in which St. Paul reminds his readers that it is critical that we both profess the Good News and believe it in our hearts. He writes, “if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

I hear again and again that the Episcopal Church is a safe place to ask questions, and I hope that is always true. A mature faith must involve wrestling with hard things, and doubt is often a necessary step on the path toward belief. I hope our self-understanding doesn’t just include the importance and goodness of questions. You see, we also need to offer answers.

Data from Forward Movement’s RenewalWorks ministry tells us that certain beliefs are correlated with spiritual growth. If you understand and believe in grace—the idea that God loves us all, regardless of our merit—you are more likely to grow spiritually. In other words, teaching supports growth.

If we want our churches to be places that promote spiritual growth, we need to encourage the profession of faith, inside and outside the church. Let us proclaim in the public square that death, evil, and sin never have the last word! Love always wins!

And it’s essential for us who follow Jesus to learn and to grow on our journey. Those of us who are called to a ministry of teaching should do it.

Think of St. Thomas. He expressed his doubt to his Lord. And Jesus lovingly replied, inviting him to see and to touch. Then Believing Thomas said, “My Lord and my God.” Doubt is good, and Jesus loves us through it. But then let us be quick to profess our faith when God blesses us.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Learn more insights for spiritual growth: Signs of Life

Brush up on core Episcopal beliefs: Walk in Love

New from ChurchNext: The Book of Exodus

From Grow Christians: The mythic, universal power of the Transfiguration

Forward Today: Staying on the path

Dear friends in Christ,

Following Jesus is a daily adventure. We need to stay on track, and that takes more than an hour-long check-in on Sunday morning. Daily devotions can really help us focus on what’s important.

Since 1935, Forward Movement has helped disciples grow each and every day. Over the years we’ve created devotionals of all kinds—from books and pamphlets, to smartphone apps and podcasts that support your spiritual journey on the go.

We know what works for one person’s spiritual life may not be right for someone else. God has made us all in great variety. On that note, if you are looking for a fresh take on devotions, check out Tim Schenck’s new book, Devotions for People Who Don’t Do Devotions, just published by Forward Movement. He might be able to help you get started.

This Forward Today weekly email isn’t meant to be a mere infomercial for Forward Movement. So, to that end, I want to recommend a powerful devotion from outside the Episcopal/Anglican world that has also served generation after generation. I personally love the classic, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. You can buy a book or read it online for free. It’s a vigorous and challenging take on this Christian life.

If these don’t work for you, keep looking. It’s important that we who follow Jesus find a way to stay on the path as life sends us on twists and turns.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

New this week: A Journey through Genesis

99 devotions from an accomplished author: A Generous Beckoning

Spend 50 days reflecting on scripture: The Bible Challenge series

Forward Today: Discipleship made accessible

Dear friends in Christ,

Over the last few years, Forward Movement has been working with hundreds of congregations and tens of thousands of Episcopalians to understand spiritual growth. What works? What nurtures growth?

What we have learned is clear and unsurprising. If you want to grow spiritually and stay renewed as a follower of Jesus, there are three key practices:

  • Go to church every week and hear the Word proclaimed and receive Jesus Christ in the sacrament if possible.
  • Pray every day. Talk to God, and listen for God.
  • Read the Bible regularly. This reminds us of the great, cosmic story of God’s love for us and helps us find our place in it.

It’s not always easy, but it’s not complicated. For almost 90 years, Forward Movement has offered an accessible, inviting, affordable way to sustain daily discipleship. Forward Day by Day isn’t just a book of meditations. Rather, it’s an encouraging way to be nurtured in daily prayer and supported in reading scripture.

If you are a regular reader of Forward Day by Day, I hope you’ll urge someone else to give it a try. It’s available in print, as a podcast, as an app, and on our website. You can read in English or Adelante dìa a dìa in Spanish. And plenty more ways!

If you’ve never given it a try, please do. It might just be the thing that helps you in a habit of daily prayer and regular scripture.

Blessings on the way.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Now shipping: Devotions for People who Don’t Do Devotions

Dive deeper into research on spiritual growth: Signs of Life

From Grow Christians:

Take common prayer with you with our lightweight BCP Gift Edition

Forward Today: We too have seen the Lord

Ted, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dear friends in Christ,

This Saturday, the church keeps the major feast of Mary Magdalene. She is rightly commemorated with the same importance as the other apostles who knew Jesus. Mary Magdalene is, after all, the apostle to the apostles.

It was Mary Magdalene who proclaimed the glad news of Jesus’ resurrection to the disciples. She is the first person to share the most important news in the entire history of the world. Her message must have been startling: “I have seen the Lord.”

I could write thousands of words on what we can learn as individuals and as a church from the commemoration of Mary Magdalene and the assigned readings. Here are a few quick lessons:

  • The scriptures clearly affirm the effectiveness, the giftedness, and the importance of women leaders in the church.
  • Sometimes we will have to look outside the “official channels” for Good News. God didn’t choose one of the members of the inner circle—Peter, James, and John—for the task of proclaiming the resurrection. Sometimes the inner circle needs to be told what’s what!
  • Mary has her quite understandable doubts and confusion, but she’s ready to believe when she sees Jesus. We too may have our doubts and confusion, but let us never delay in proclaiming the Good News when we see Jesus. And, let’s be clear, we do see Jesus. He has promised that he is present when the church gathers, and he has promised that he is present in the sacraments he gave us. He is here. We have seen the Lord.

Sometimes we overthink it. We do well to emulate the apostle to the apostles. When we are unsure, let us rush to where to we might find Jesus and then be eager to run to others and say that we have seen him.

And let us be ready to look at how our church is organized and realize that the inner circle is often going to need a surprising herald of grace to speak the truth. And we can all urge our church leaders, especially our bishops, to see themselves as apostles with Good News to proclaim, not as middle managers with assets to keep.

There is Good News that we must urgently share! Sin is defeated. Death is put to flight. Jesus lives.

Can we all say it now with Mary Magdalene? “I have seen the Lord!”

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Pray with Mary Magdalene and other women of scripture: Bible Women

From the Grow Christians archive: Mary Magdalene’s bold hope in the resurrection

Pre-order today: A Journey through Genesis

Meet Jesus in the sacraments: Gifts of God for the People of God

Forward Today: It really is all about love

Dear friends in Christ,

I’m just heading home from the “It’s All About Love” festival organized by the Episcopal Church in Baltimore. What a fantastic gathering! I’m leaving inspired and renewed.

Our Presiding Bishop speaks often of God’s love as the center of our faith. Bishop Curry is exactly right. Of course, he didn’t invent this idea! Read a few words of 1 John with me:

Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. (1 John 4:7-9)

If we know God’s love, we will love God and love others. It’s just that simple. And this love is not cheap love, a sentimental niceness. This love is sacrificial, generous, extravagant, truthful.

I’m grateful for a whole festival to renew my focus. You can find videos of some great talks from the conference online, and I hope you’ll read the Episcopal News Service coverage, too.

While I’m glad I was able to spend time with Episcopalians from all over, not everyone could travel to Baltimore. If you couldn’t make it, I suggest that you spend a few minutes and read 1 John. It really sets out the truth that God is love, and love is of God.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

From Grow Christians: The Wondrous Chaos of Youth Sunday

Bishop Curry recommends: A Generous Beckoning

Practice discipleship in your daily life: The Way of Love Practical Guide

Read and reflect on scripture with Forward Day by Day