Dear friends in Christ,
Forward Movement’s mission is “Inspire disciples. Empower evangelists.” And more and more Episcopalians are talking about discipleship these days. You might well wonder what a disciple is. And that might lead one to wonder what discipleship is.
Simply put, a disciple is a follower of Jesus. The word in Greek comes close to meaning “a learner.” But this isn’t just about being a good student and getting all the facts right, though there’s never harm in getting the facts right!
Disciples pattern their life after Jesus. To put it in the language of our prayer book, a disciple seeks to grow more fully into the stature of Christ.
That means we who are disciples look to Jesus so that we can learn to believe what he taught. It means we seek to orient our lives toward love, just as he did. It means we look beyond our own interests toward God’s will for us, just as Jesus did. It means we are quick to offer sacrificial love, just as he was.
So are we treating Jesus as merely a moral teacher, someone who dispensed bits of wisdom that we try to learn? He was a moral teacher, of course. And he was more. Being disciples means that we pattern our lives after Jesus. Being a disciple means that we are faithful in our worship, just like Jesus. Being a disciple means that we rest and pray, just as Jesus did. Being a disciple means that we fearlessly speak the truth in love, always.
How can anyone do this?! It all sounds impossible. And it would be if it were up to us alone. But we have the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, to guide us. And we know that Jesus himself sits at his Father’s right hand, loving us and advocating for us.
Discipleship is teaching and practicing the ways of a disciple. Discipleship involves a set of behaviors and beliefs, some of which we intellectually learn and actually practice. Others are given to us by God, often as gifts of the Spirit.
When I am Christ-centered, I am more faithful, more patient, more gentle, more loving, and so on. I hope you have a rich journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ who makes more disciples.
Yours faithfully,
Scott Gunn
Executive Director
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The Prayer Book as manual for a spiritual life: Inwardly Digest
Pre-order your Advent devotional today: Show Me Your Ways, O Lord