Dear friends in Christ,
Blessings to you in this Christmas season. We hope you are observing the Twelve Days of Christmas with prayer, holy joy, and much-needed rest! Looking back at the past year at Forward Movement, we have many reasons to rejoice–not least for you, our readers, who have prayed with us and supported our ministry throughout the year.
Here are some of the most-read messages from Forward Today this year. Thank you for sharing these notes of news and inspiration – we look forward to sharing more with you in the coming year.
Yours faithfully,
Margaret Ellsworth
Marketing Coordinator
It’s about the basics: “In both churches [The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada], I have seen a desire to return to the basics.”
Welcoming guests: “If you want to be welcoming for guests, you have to be ready to see your church through their eyes.”
Welcoming guests (continued): “Fall is coming, and so are guests.”
The Gospel isn’t fair: “The Gospel isn’t fair. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.”
The counter-cultural season of Advent: “Keeping Advent isn’t easy, and that is exactly why we do well to try to keep this season of preparation and repentance.”