In this week’s edition of our weekly newsletter, Scott Gunn reminds us of Jesus’ message for difficult times: Be not afraid.
Dear friends in Christ,
Today brings yet more horrifying news, as we absorb the tragedy of an attack on the international airport in Istanbul. Of course, we should pray for the dead and wounded. Jesus also told us to pray for our enemies, and so we too should pray for those who wish us harm.

Jesus said, again and again, “Be not afraid.” That message is found throughout our scriptures. “Be not afraid.” It’s so easy to say, and yet so hard to do. Perhaps it will help us to infuse our lives with prayer and to drink deeply from the well of God’s word in scripture. Our story is itself a bulwark against the power of those who would sow fear. When the forces of wickedness did their best to crush God’s perfect love in Jesus Christ by killing him, God raised Jesus to new life.
The Resurrection is a forceful witness that God’s love is stronger than any evil, stronger even than death. The Resurrection taunts hatred and fear.
Scott Gunn
Executive Director
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