Dear friends in Christ,
You may have seen the news. Forward Movement has received a $4 million grant from the J. C. Flowers Foundation to fund transformational discipleship resources for the Episcopal Church.
The centerpiece of the four-year project will be a new video-based course to help new-ish Christians go deeper as disciples of Jesus Christ. This would be for someone who took an Alpha course, or perhaps Forward Movement’s Transforming Questions, or maybe just came to church for a while and has decided to get serious about practicing their faith. We’ll also be creating some smaller courses on topics such as prayer and scripture.
Forward Movement’s data from the RenewalWorks program suggests that the Episcopal Church is pretty good at welcoming new members, but we often don’t do a very good job of encouraging spiritual growth. And because people who are less spiritually mature may struggle to share their faith with others, we don’t invite people to join us. So the intention of this grant-funded work is to make committed disciples who naturally reach out to make more disciples. We think we can make a difference in the Episcopal Church, and through our Christian faith, to have a positive impact on the world around us.
Please stay tuned for more details. For now, my first task is to start building the team. If you or someone you know might like to join this work, please check out our listing of open positions. We are growing rapidly to meet the needs of today’s church.
All of this is good news, because we’ll be able to help our church experience and share the Good News of the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.
Yours faithfully,
Scott Gunn
Executive Director
P.S. If you have been a donor to Forward Movement, thank you! Though we have received a large gift, your gifts matter. Our grant will pay for new work. Ongoing donor gifts fund free materials for prisons and hospitals, apps, podcasts and online resource. Every gift, whether it’s $25, $250, or $250,000 helps us change the world one life at a time.
More from our ministry:
A time-tested tool for daily discipleship: Forward Day by Day
Explore the way with Jesus: Faithful Questions
Join the Madness this Lent: LentMadness.org