Dear friends in Christ,
We are nearing the end of our journey through Advent. Once again, we have spent time as a church yearning and preparing to meet Jesus Christ.
This Sunday’s Gospel reading gives us Mary’s song, the Magnificat. I’ve heard this read sometimes as a to-do list— we should feed the hungry, and so on. Of course, we SHOULD feed the hungry, but reading the Magnificat this way misses the point. It makes Mary’s song about us.
In fact, the Magnificat is about God and his steadfast promises. Mary is singing about the deeds and power of God from the centuries before her time. She is recounting all that God has done, knowing that God’s acts in the past are assurances that God will act in the future.
Mary is magnifying God because she knows that God is about to do a wondrous thing in sending the savior of the world to live among us, not in power and glory but as a vulnerable baby born in humble circumstances. Truly, this is wondrous!
And Mary is reminding all who sing with her that God always looks out for the lowly, the least, and the lost. Christmas is perhaps the chief example of God’s way of working in the world to bring about our salvation, but it is only one (stellar!) example in an entire history filled with God’s deeds.
Let us with joy prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. And let us give thanks that God never gives up on us, that God is always working in our lives and in our world to bring about our redemption. Let us all magnify the Lord!
Yours faithfully,
Scott Gunn
Executive Director
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