Tag Archives: scott gunn

Forward Today: Gratitude, always

Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

Tomorrow, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. This is one of those times when the church keeps a feast on a secular holiday. Our prayer book sets this day aside as a major feast.

The history of Thanksgiving Day is complicated, and it’s worth exploring to see what we can learn. But today I simply want to express my gratitude for a feast that invites us to express our gratitude. Gratitude upon gratitude!

Given all the headlines, one might be tempted to skip an occasion to offer our thanks to God. There’s so much to fix in our world! Violence and division seem endemic. Greed and fear run amok. In a time like this, it’s more important than ever to pause and give thanks.

There isn’t a person alive who hasn’t received blessings from God. Life itself is a gift. God has richly blessed us and our world. And if nothing else, we can give thanks “for the means of grace and for the hope of glory” in Jesus Christ.

For my part, I want to share some of the things for which I’m grateful. At Forward Movement, I’m thankful for a passionate and faithful staff who do excellent work to build up the body of Christ. I’m grateful for generous donors who make it possible for us to offer free materials online and to send free booklets and books to those in need, especially people who are in prisons. And I’m filled with gratitude for God’s call to serve him in his church, for the opportunity to testify to God’s goodness and to invite others to know the love of Jesus.

For what are you grateful?

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

P.S. You won’t hear from us on Giving Tuesday because we believe every day is an opportunity for gratitude and generosity. We welcome your offering of thanksgiving to God anytime, sharing new and Christ-centered ministry resources.

More from our ministry:

Our ministry in numbers and stories: 2024 Annual Report

Get your Christmas and Epiphany calendars today

Gratitude and giving as spiritual practices: Vital Signs of Life

Share these spiritual playing cards with your littlest loved ones

Forward Today: The King of kings and Lord of lords

Photo: Scott Gunn

Dear friends in Christ,

This weekend we celebrate the last Sunday of our church year, a day on which we always focus on the kingship of Christ. The collect beautifully sums up what this celebration is all about:

Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Let us pray those words fervently.

Politicians and those seeking office have been much in the news lately. We who follow Jesus do well to remember that he is our king. No earthly ruler has the ultimate claim on us.

And what kind of king is Jesus? He is nothing like most political leaders. He came not to be served, but to serve. His rule is gracious, that is, full of grace and mercy. He is always loving. He brings us not condemnation for our sins, but a path to salvation by the remission of our sins.

May all our hearts be governed by Jesus. And may our love of Jesus lead us to love our neighbors and seek their well-being.

We are also on the cusp of Advent, as we prepare ourselves to worship Jesus at Christmas but also to greet him when he comes in glory.

Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come. Be for us the King of kinds and Lord of lords.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

P.S. If you are looking for ways to observe Advent, check out Forward Movement’s books and other materials for the season. Order by this Saturday, November 23, to ensure delivery before the First Sunday of Advent (December 1).

More from our ministry:

Last chance to order Advent calendars for 2024!

New this year: Calendars for Christmas and Epiphany

Devotions for each Person of the Trinity: A Generous Beckoning

Sign up for free email meditations: AdventWord.org

Forward Today: The advent of Advent

Dear friends in Christ,

It may well seem like every moment of every day is focused on the coming election. And as I wrote last week, I hope we are all praying and working for wise decisions in this time.

It’s also true that Advent is just around the corner. Whatever happens on election day, our nation will seem to grow more and more divided. Deep rifts have been laid bare. This makes Advent more important than ever.

Advent will be an excellent season to remember another time, in another nation, when violence and separation seemed to rule. And into that world came Jesus Christ, promising peace through mercy and grace. Advent also reminds us that one day Jesus will come in glory, setting right those things which are wrong, bringing healing where there are wounds, and rendering judgement on all.

I know that I am already yearning for Advent as a time to regain my perspective and to restore my sense of hope.

Forward Movement offers several resources to help you and your church savor the richness of Advent.

You can get packs of colorable Advent calendars—created by Jay Sidebotham—to support families in your church through the season.

Our newly published Advent devotional book, Show Me Your Ways, O Lord, takes us on a reflective journey through some of the psalms traditionally associated with Advent. And we offer other Advent devotional books as well.

Let us pray for peace and justice as we prepare our churches, our world, and our hearts to greet Jesus Christ.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Join our online Advent calendar: AdventWord

Pray with us for the next week: A Season of Prayer

Celebrate the Twelve Days: Colorable Christmas calendar

Follow Jesus’ way through scripture: The Way of Love Bible Challenge

Forward Today: A season of prayer

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

We are getting very close to an important election in the life of our nation. At all levels— local, state, national—critical decisions will be made about who leads us.

This ought to matter greatly to all of us who follow Jesus. Our Lord commanded us to love our neighbors. One way to love our neighbors is to seek their well-being by political means.

It’s clear that there are sharply different views of which direction our nation should take. And the same division can be found in most states and in many local communities. The end result is that this time seems to be pushing us toward division rather than uniting us as a people who seek the common good.

There are many things we can do as followers of Jesus. We can volunteer in political campaigns or even seek public office. We can encourage voting. We can work for free and fair elections. Above all, we can pray.

Forward Movement invites you to join in a nine-day cycle of prayer for our nation and for this election. Praying for nine days is an ancient rhythm; it’s long enough to feel sustainable, but brief enough to be accessible to all. The season starts October 29 and ends the day after the election, November 6.

All the prayers are taken from the Book of Common Prayer. Forward Movement has put together bulletin inserts and some social media to use in local churches. The materials are also available in Spanish. Social media posts will begin on October 29 on Forward Movement’s Facebook and Instagram channels.

We encourage you to download the materials and use them or share them as you see fit.

And now, let us pray.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

2024 calendars now available: Slow Down. Quiet. It’s Advent

Reflect on the psalms of Advent: Show Me Your Ways, O Lord

Support free offerings like the Season of Prayer: Donate today

Intercessions for all sorts and conditions of people: Prayers for All Occasions

Forward Today: The company of fellow pilgrims

Photo by Janelle Hiroshige on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

I’ve just returned from a few days in the Diocese of Texas, where I’m happy to report the Holy Spirit is doing mighty things!

On Sunday, I preached at St. Cuthbert’s in Houston. It’s one of the most racially diverse churches I’ve ever had the pleasure of worshiping in. A dazzling row of flags hangs in the worship space representing the many nations from which the members of this church come. But more than that, the place is radiant with the Spirit. They have seen dramatic growth in the last year or two, and there’s no sign of that slowing down.

What’s their secret? Why are they so vibrant? There are probably a lot of reasons, but I think their sustained focus on the transforming love of Jesus Christ — changing the world one life at a time — must be the root. Their music is lively and excellent. Their worship is well done and right out of the Book of Common Prayer. And, golly, they are deeply welcoming. If you are in the area, go check it out.

Sunday afternoon, I drove out to Camp Allen, the camp and conference center of the Diocese of Texas. There I met with the Small Church Network. This is a practice I would commend to other dioceses: twice a year, the churches with attendance under 50 get together to learn from one another. These smaller churches are able to offer personal ministry and tight-knit community. While larger churches may have more programs, small churches have their own strengths. Bigger is not better, it’s just bigger.

I heard inspiring stories of transforming ministry taking place in small churches in small towns. The Gospel is making a difference. If you are reading this and you are from a small church, I encourage you to reach out to others and to draw inspiration and support.

Finally, while I was in Texas, I met with their diocesan group of retired clergy and spouses. There were centuries of ministry experience in the room. I was encouraged by their hope for the future of our church and for the love of Jesus to make a mark in the world.

Sometimes it’s tempting to despair over the challenges we face and the seemingly unstoppable decline of our beloved church. But decline is not unstoppable. Jesus Christ, who conquered death and the grave, also promised to abide with his church until the end of time. We are not alone in our work. We have our Lord, and we have the company of fellow pilgrims on the way.

Let us all draw inspiration from one another. And let us never forget the reason our churches exist. It is not for comfort or prestige or security, but rather so that we can make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Resources for churches of every size: Vestry Resource Guide

In case you missed it: Meet the authors of our Advent devotional

Simple, portable prayers for a life on the go: Hour by Hour

Join disciples around the world: Read Forward Day by Day

Forward Today: Prayer is the foundation

Woman's hands on top of Bible and bookmark open to Psalms
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

This coming Sunday’s epistle reading comes from James. It begins:

Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.

Whether we are suffering, celebrating, or sick, we should pray. In other words, we are meant to pray without ceasing, as the scripture says elsewhere.

Our epistle reading this week was written to the leaders of the church, offering counsel for the fledgling church. It’s still good advice. We would do well to anchor our churches in prayer.

I have observed, however, that this is not always the case. Lay leaders and clergy discover a challenge and struggle to solve it. Vestries grapple with financial stress or church conflict or some other issue. In our pull-ourselves-up-by-your-bootstraps culture, we are all trained to solve our problems on our own. But this is not the Gospel.

If you or your church is facing a challenge, pray. If you are celebrating, pray. If you or someone you know is ill, pray. That’s just what James says, and it’s spot on. The first point is especially important.

A few years ago, I was working with a vestry who were facing a severe challenge. They talked about the problem from all angles and debated how to solve it. Then someone spoke up, “I don’t think we know the answer. We should pray.” After a moment, it was clear that everyone knew this was the thing to do.

Is your church struggling with a challenge, or maybe several of them? Let us pray.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Essential reading for vestry members: Finance Resource Guide

New interview on our YouTube channel: Loving Your Neighbor in Springfield

Discuss immigration through the lens of scripture: No Longer Strangers

Check your spiritual health: Vital Signs of Faith

Forward Today: God’s mercy endures forever

The Pyramids of Giza

Dear friends in Christ,

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about travel and how it helps remind me of important life lessons. That same trip gave me other insights, as well.

While I was in Cairo, I went to see the pyramids of Giza. I’d wanted to see them for decades, and they lived up to the hype. The morning I went, I walked all around the site, seeing the pyramids from different perspectives and touching ancient stones.

After a while, I needed a break, so I found a well-known restaurant with a splendid view of all the pyramids. Because it was the height of summer heat, there were very few other tourists. In the quiet, as I sat there sipping my coffee, I gazed at the ancient wonder of the world.

For 3,800 years, the Great Pyramid was the tallest human-made structure in the world. According to the traditional chronology, when Moses lived, the great pyramid was already close to 1,000 years old. Compared to the normal structures of the era—modest dwellings, even palaces—the pyramids must have been mind-blowing.

It would have been easy to see those pyramids and conclude that Pharaoh’s might was the greatest force in the world. And yet, when God sought to liberate his people, the mercy of the Lord exceeded armies, wealth, rulers, and worldly power. Mercy triumphed over might.

As I sat there pondering this, I thought about the vexing challenges of our time. Too many politicians crave power over the public good. The rich exploit others to gain even more wealth. People turn a blind eye toward injustice and oppression. Most of us consume more than we need, poisoning our world and harming others so that we can enjoy cheap goods.

Sometimes I am filled with despair. How can we fulfill our Lord’s command to love our neighbors? How can we work toward a better world? How will the mighty be cast down?

Seeing those pyramids helped me remember that, in the end, God’s mercy endures forever. We surely have a role in proclaiming this truth and in aligning our lives with God’s will. But we don’t have to save the world. We already have a mighty savior. What good news that is!

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Take prayer with you wherever you go: Forward Day by Day

Prepare for Advent with our new devotional: Show Me Your Ways, O Lord

Reflect on songs of faith and freedom: Face to the Rising Sun

Follow the path of God’s love through scripture: The Path

Forward Today: Praying without ceasing

A white woman's hand holds a prayer book open to a psalm labeled "Monday Morning." A firepit and stone pavers in the background.Dear friends in Christ,

Today could be a demanding day for a follower of Jesus. The anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 will no doubt bring out a range of reactions, some helpful and others less so. As the US presidential election draws near, we may at times alternate between hope and despair. What is a person of faith to do with all this?

Prayer is never the wrong answer.

The scriptures call us to pray without ceasing. When Jesus was met with great challenges, he turned to prayer. So prayer is a very Christlike response to challenges.

In terms of the election, I invite you to join Forward Movement in a season of prayer for an election. We are encouraging individuals and churches to pray during the nine days leading up to this November’s election, but you can use the prayers we’ve assembled any time. Let us all pray for wise discernment for voters and for courage, clarity, and compassion in all those who seek public office.

As the news media remind us of the horrors that were visited on the US 23 years ago, let us pray for those who died, for their loved ones, for those who carry scars from their work as first responders, but also for those whose hearts are filled with hatred, that they may be led from acts of violence to a place of mercy and grace instead.

I’m here to witness to the fact that prayer can bring about miracles. Let us pray for nothing less than a miraculous change in our world, one life at a time.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Follow us on Facebook, where we’ll post for the Season of Prayer

Keep prayer in your pocket all the time: Prayers for All Occasions

Scripture and essential Christian practices: The Way of Love Bible Challenge

Reflect on the prayer Jesus taught us: Bold to Say

Forward Today: When things don’t go according to plan

Sagrada Familia in Barcelona (Photo: Scott Gunn)

Dear friends in Christ,

I’ve just come back from a three-week solo travel adventure. On this trip, I visited five countries that were new to me: Comoros, Ethiopia, Egypt, Morocco, and Spain. It was amazing. And it didn’t all go according to plan.

There are lots of reasons I love traveling to see the world. But one of the big reasons is that nearly every trip ends up serving to remind me of a crucial lesson for the Christian life: sometimes our plan doesn’t happen. It may be that our plan and God’s plan are different, or sometimes it may just be as simple as “stuff happens” and we must adjust to new circumstances.

When I travel, I usually have a list of things I want to see or do, with the most important ones at the top of the list. I read about how I will accomplish all these things, and then I set out. But sometimes things happen: a flight is late, a site is unexpectedly closed, there’s a traffic jam, or some other problem.

As I watch my plans evaporate, it can be tempting to get frustrated or even angry. On a good day, I remember that the point of travel is to see new things, not to execute a plan I made back home. Sometimes disruptions or last-minute changes improve my travels in ways I couldn’t imagine. Other times, I miss seeing things I really wanted to visit, and there’s no way to repair the plan.

Perspective is everything. Earlier this year, I was in Japan to see cherry blossoms. I started to get myself worked into a state because the sky was a dull gray instead of the bright blue I had hoped for. And then it clicked: “Scott, you’re in Tokyo seeing amazing cherry blossoms, and they are stunning regardless of the weather.” That’s all I needed. I went back to being delighted in God’s creation.

This lesson from travel applies to larger life, in big and small ways. We can become angry or frustrated that our plan isn’t working. Or we can adjust to the new plan, whatever the cause, and give thanks for God’s presence with us on life’s turns and twists.

I don’t believe the gospel promises that the Christian life will be easy, but the gospel does assure us that God abides with us throughout life’s journey. It’s a lesson I need to learn over and over.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

P.S. Travel photography is a hobby of mine, so if you’d like to see photos from Comoros, Egypt, Morocco, or Spain, have a look.

More from our ministry:

On sale now: The Disciple’s Way: Daily Reflections for Lent

Pray on the go with this portable Daily Office book: Hour by Hour

A new perspective on Christian life each month: Forward Day by Day

Celebrate the Season of Creation: The Creation Care Bible Challenge

Forward Today: Are you ready?

A small church, with red shingles covering its walls and a small white cross atop its a-frame roof, against a backdrop of evergreen trees.
Photo by Jim Witkowski on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

In the midst of a warm, muggy summer, it might seem odd to be thinking of autumn. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking on my part. But I’m already leaping ahead to September.

In the old days, that is, just before the pandemic, autumn was a common time for seekers to go looking for churches. Lots of guests would arrive on Sunday mornings in September, people looking for a church home. We don’t have enough post-pandemic years under our belts to know if there’s a new pattern, but I suspect we’ll still see an influx of guests in our churches this fall.

Are you ready? While an Episcopal Church Welcomes You sign is a good start, a warm welcome requires warm greeters. A hospitable church will look at its signage to make sure it’s clear which door to enter, how to find the worship space, and where to use the restroom. Children will be welcomed with kid-friendly materials and perhaps a comfy space to worship alongside their grownup siblings in Christ.

Summer is a good time to look at our churches through guests’ eyes. Ever better, invite a friend who’s never been to your church to come and look around—and tell you what they see.

Jesus taught that welcoming strangers is really important. That’s especially true in our churches, where we have the opportunity to offer the blessing of hospitality to people who may be going through lots of transition.

Forward Movement offers Invite Welcome Connect with a list of ideas, but most of what we need to do only requires common sense and intentionality. The warm days of summer are the perfect time to prepare for the cool days of autumn. Now is the time for us to be ready to welcome the next seeker, to offer them the hospitality that Jesus wants us to share.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Introduce newcomers to our prayer book tradition: Inwardly Digest

Brush up on Episcopal basics: Walk in Love

Welcome new Episcopalians with a beautiful BCP Gift Edition

Sign up today for our Renewing Discipleship conference in September