Forward Today: Praying without ceasing

A white woman's hand holds a prayer book open to a psalm labeled "Monday Morning." A firepit and stone pavers in the background.Dear friends in Christ,

Today could be a demanding day for a follower of Jesus. The anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 will no doubt bring out a range of reactions, some helpful and others less so. As the US presidential election draws near, we may at times alternate between hope and despair. What is a person of faith to do with all this?

Prayer is never the wrong answer.

The scriptures call us to pray without ceasing. When Jesus was met with great challenges, he turned to prayer. So prayer is a very Christlike response to challenges.

In terms of the election, I invite you to join Forward Movement in a season of prayer for an election. We are encouraging individuals and churches to pray during the nine days leading up to this November’s election, but you can use the prayers we’ve assembled any time. Let us all pray for wise discernment for voters and for courage, clarity, and compassion in all those who seek public office.

As the news media remind us of the horrors that were visited on the US 23 years ago, let us pray for those who died, for their loved ones, for those who carry scars from their work as first responders, but also for those whose hearts are filled with hatred, that they may be led from acts of violence to a place of mercy and grace instead.

I’m here to witness to the fact that prayer can bring about miracles. Let us pray for nothing less than a miraculous change in our world, one life at a time.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Follow us on Facebook, where we’ll post for the Season of Prayer

Keep prayer in your pocket all the time: Prayers for All Occasions

Scripture and essential Christian practices: The Way of Love Bible Challenge

Reflect on the prayer Jesus taught us: Bold to Say

Forward Today: When things don’t go according to plan

Sagrada Familia in Barcelona (Photo: Scott Gunn)

Dear friends in Christ,

I’ve just come back from a three-week solo travel adventure. On this trip, I visited five countries that were new to me: Comoros, Ethiopia, Egypt, Morocco, and Spain. It was amazing. And it didn’t all go according to plan.

There are lots of reasons I love traveling to see the world. But one of the big reasons is that nearly every trip ends up serving to remind me of a crucial lesson for the Christian life: sometimes our plan doesn’t happen. It may be that our plan and God’s plan are different, or sometimes it may just be as simple as “stuff happens” and we must adjust to new circumstances.

When I travel, I usually have a list of things I want to see or do, with the most important ones at the top of the list. I read about how I will accomplish all these things, and then I set out. But sometimes things happen: a flight is late, a site is unexpectedly closed, there’s a traffic jam, or some other problem.

As I watch my plans evaporate, it can be tempting to get frustrated or even angry. On a good day, I remember that the point of travel is to see new things, not to execute a plan I made back home. Sometimes disruptions or last-minute changes improve my travels in ways I couldn’t imagine. Other times, I miss seeing things I really wanted to visit, and there’s no way to repair the plan.

Perspective is everything. Earlier this year, I was in Japan to see cherry blossoms. I started to get myself worked into a state because the sky was a dull gray instead of the bright blue I had hoped for. And then it clicked: “Scott, you’re in Tokyo seeing amazing cherry blossoms, and they are stunning regardless of the weather.” That’s all I needed. I went back to being delighted in God’s creation.

This lesson from travel applies to larger life, in big and small ways. We can become angry or frustrated that our plan isn’t working. Or we can adjust to the new plan, whatever the cause, and give thanks for God’s presence with us on life’s turns and twists.

I don’t believe the gospel promises that the Christian life will be easy, but the gospel does assure us that God abides with us throughout life’s journey. It’s a lesson I need to learn over and over.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

P.S. Travel photography is a hobby of mine, so if you’d like to see photos from Comoros, Egypt, Morocco, or Spain, have a look.

More from our ministry:

On sale now: The Disciple’s Way: Daily Reflections for Lent

Pray on the go with this portable Daily Office book: Hour by Hour

A new perspective on Christian life each month: Forward Day by Day

Celebrate the Season of Creation: The Creation Care Bible Challenge

Forward Today: Thinking about fall in the heat of summer

While Scott is traveling this summer, we bring you a rerun post from August 2019. Hope you enjoy it!

Dear friends in Christ,

It sure seems like the cool weather of fall is a world away. And yet, we’re only a couple of days away from the change. At Forward Movement, our summer “half-day Fridays” come to an end with the start of September. The point is, you’d better enjoy the last little bit of summer life!

Whether or not the start of September makes much of a difference in your home, it does make a difference to lots of people. This time of year is one of those times when plenty of people think of finding a new church. Is your church ready for an influx of guests?

We at Forward Movement offer lots of resources to help guests learn more about the Episcopal Church, but it’s not just about having a fresh pile of books and pamphlets. Now is a great time to check your signage, make sure your website is up to date, and clear away clutter in the hallways and entries.

I frequently hear that we need to provide a clear path for guests. How do they learn more? How do they get involved? How are they invited into membership? For small and large congregations, it’s a challenge, though the challenge is different. Larger congregations with loads of programs need to provide a roadmap (“Start here, this is next, and finally this is how to become members.”). Smaller congregations won’t have a dizzying array of programs, but they still need to provide a path. Here the solution is probably an individual meeting between guests and either lay leaders or clergy.

Our church is shrinking, and one of the reasons is that we don’t always do a good job of inviting people through our doors. And when they arrive, we’re not often good at welcoming and connecting them into ministries. Check out Invite Welcome Connect to help with this process.

Lots of people are yearning for a community with purpose. They’re waiting on you to invite them and to offer them a place.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

In case you missed it: AdventWord announces words for 2024

Send guests home with a pocket-sized gift: Forward Day by Day

Committed to growing your church in faith? RenewalWorks can help.

Forward Today: What is discipleship, anyway?

book on top of table and body of water
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

Forward Movement’s mission is “Inspire disciples. Empower evangelists.” And more and more Episcopalians are talking about discipleship these days. You might well wonder what a disciple is. And that might lead one to wonder what discipleship is.

Simply put, a disciple is a follower of Jesus. The word in Greek comes close to meaning “a learner.” But this isn’t just about being a good student and getting all the facts right, though there’s never harm in getting the facts right!

Disciples pattern their life after Jesus. To put it in the language of our prayer book, a disciple seeks to grow more fully into the stature of Christ.

That means we who are disciples look to Jesus so that we can learn to believe what he taught. It means we seek to orient our lives toward love, just as he did. It means we look beyond our own interests toward God’s will for us, just as Jesus did. It means we are quick to offer sacrificial love, just as he was.

So are we treating Jesus as merely a moral teacher, someone who dispensed bits of wisdom that we try to learn? He was a moral teacher, of course. And he was more. Being disciples means that we pattern our lives after Jesus. Being a disciple means that we are faithful in our worship, just like Jesus. Being a disciple means that we rest and pray, just as Jesus did. Being a disciple means that we fearlessly speak the truth in love, always.

How can anyone do this?! It all sounds impossible. And it would be if it were up to us alone. But we have the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, to guide us. And we know that Jesus himself sits at his Father’s right hand, loving us and advocating for us.

Discipleship is teaching and practicing the ways of a disciple. Discipleship involves a set of behaviors and beliefs, some of which we intellectually learn and actually practice. Others are given to us by God, often as gifts of the Spirit.

When I am Christ-centered, I am more faithful, more patient, more gentle, more loving, and so on. I hope you have a rich journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ who makes more disciples.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Immerse yourself in the words of Jesus: A Journey with Mark Bible Challenge

In case you missed it: Q&A with cover artist Roger Hutchison

The Prayer Book as manual for a spiritual life: Inwardly Digest

Pre-order your Advent devotional today: Show Me Your Ways, O Lord

Artist Q&A: Roger Hutchison

A white man with grey hair and a close-cropped grey beard, wearing a black T-shirt, holds a paintbrush above a canvas painted with abstract blue-green patterns.Roger Hutchison is the author and illustrator of ten books for children and adults, including The Art of Calm: Spiritual Exercises for the Anxious Soul and the bestselling Sparrow’s Prayer. Roger is known for his compassionate work with children affected by tragedy and for his openness about his journey with ADHD, anxiety, and depression. His writing, art, and photography aim to bring healing and hope to a world in need. Roger also serves as the Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries at Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church in Houston, TX.

Starting in February 2025, Roger’s artwork will be featured on four issue covers of Forward Day by Day. Learn more about Roger and his art in this Q&A.

What is your background in art?
I have a background in art, primarily self-taught, but three of my favorite art teachers are the late Tommie Shelby from Oxford, MS, Billy Gingles from Shreveport, LA, and Terri Godfrey from Black Mountain, NC. These incredible educators saw my potential, encouraged me, and introduced me to a whole new language. In addition to my teachers, liturgical art, stained glass windows, and the poetry of writers like Mary Oliver, Naomi Shihab-Nye, and Padraig Ó Tuama inspire and influence my work.

Tell us about your experience with Forward Day by Day.
Growing up as a “PK” (priest’s kid), one of my earliest memories of the Church dates back to when I was about 12 years old and exploring the Episcopal Church where my dad served. I distinctly remember being intrigued by the piles of Forward Day by Day and the dedication of the readers. Even at that young age, I found myself drawn to both the cover art and the diversity of the interior words—dreaming of one day being the artist invited to create the cover art for those booklets.

What was your inspiration for these images?
When it comes to my art, I draw inspiration from storytelling using words, color, texture, and emotion. The creative process is a form of prayer; painting, in particular, is a way of expressing that prayer. While there are familiar images associated with the church year, I wanted to challenge myself to go beyond the familiar and delve deeper into stories to make them relevant today. I hope my images reflect this and speak to those who see them.

In addition to your artwork, you’re also a writer who has published several books. How does the creative process differ for you between writing and art?
When I write, I see the process as similar to painting, but I use words instead of Cobalt Blue or Cadmium Red. Writing is prayer, and it’s a way for me to express these prayers. I write for both children and adults, and I enjoy both, but I find the most joy in the challenges of writing picture books for children. Every word matters in this form of writing, and curating the words is challenging and freeing.

How does art work as a spiritual practice for you?
Creating art is a profoundly spiritual practice for me. It’s a way to connect with my inner thoughts, emotions, and the divine on a profound level. I feel a sense of peace and transcendence when creating as if I’m tapping into something greater than myself. Making art allows me to explore my spirituality and serves as a form of meditation that brings me closer to understanding mystery. As I grow older, I strive to make room for more mystery.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
In the deepest recesses of my soul, I know that everyone is an artist. I am inspired to encourage others to embrace the process of creating art rather than focusing solely on the final product. The process itself is sacred, valuable, and good. It is accessible to all, especially if we approach it with an open heart and mind. God created us to create.

Forward Day by Day is available in pocket-sized and large print editions, and is also offered in Spanish (Adelante Dìa a Dìa). Visit Forward Movement’s website to subscribe to Forward Day by Day.

Forward Today: Are you ready?

A small church, with red shingles covering its walls and a small white cross atop its a-frame roof, against a backdrop of evergreen trees.
Photo by Jim Witkowski on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

In the midst of a warm, muggy summer, it might seem odd to be thinking of autumn. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking on my part. But I’m already leaping ahead to September.

In the old days, that is, just before the pandemic, autumn was a common time for seekers to go looking for churches. Lots of guests would arrive on Sunday mornings in September, people looking for a church home. We don’t have enough post-pandemic years under our belts to know if there’s a new pattern, but I suspect we’ll still see an influx of guests in our churches this fall.

Are you ready? While an Episcopal Church Welcomes You sign is a good start, a warm welcome requires warm greeters. A hospitable church will look at its signage to make sure it’s clear which door to enter, how to find the worship space, and where to use the restroom. Children will be welcomed with kid-friendly materials and perhaps a comfy space to worship alongside their grownup siblings in Christ.

Summer is a good time to look at our churches through guests’ eyes. Ever better, invite a friend who’s never been to your church to come and look around—and tell you what they see.

Jesus taught that welcoming strangers is really important. That’s especially true in our churches, where we have the opportunity to offer the blessing of hospitality to people who may be going through lots of transition.

Forward Movement offers Invite Welcome Connect with a list of ideas, but most of what we need to do only requires common sense and intentionality. The warm days of summer are the perfect time to prepare for the cool days of autumn. Now is the time for us to be ready to welcome the next seeker, to offer them the hospitality that Jesus wants us to share.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Introduce newcomers to our prayer book tradition: Inwardly Digest

Brush up on Episcopal basics: Walk in Love

Welcome new Episcopalians with a beautiful BCP Gift Edition

Sign up today for our Renewing Discipleship conference in September

Forward Movement calls for A Season of Prayer: For an Election

A white banner image with stars and the heading A Season of Prayer for an Election

For the third US Presidential election in a row, Forward Movement calls on Episcopalians and all others to join in A Season of Prayer: For an Election. This year’s prayer novena—nine days of devotional prayers—calls upon God for discernment in voting and for the well-being of our nation.


Each day’s prayer comes from The Book of Common Prayer and will be shared on Forward Movement’s Facebook and Instagram channels, in both English and Spanish.


There are also downloadable bulletin inserts available in English and Spanish for churches and small groups (files are letter size, and meant to be folded in half).


The novena begins on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, and continues through the day after the election (Wednesday, November 6).


“Sometimes people draw a distinction between prayer and action,” said the Rev. Scott Gunn, executive director of Forward Movement. “I am here to tell you that prayer is action. Prayer changes hearts and lives. Prayer may result in changes that are scarcely imaginable. Prayer may prompt us to engage in other actions. Above all, prayer helps us attend to our relationship with Almighty God, and this reminds us of who we are.”


Join Forward Movement on Facebook and Instagram to follow each day’s prayer and to share within your own network.


Download the bulletin inserts here, in English and Spanish.


Please encourage your congregation and your friends to get involved.


About Forward Movement

Inspiring disciples and empowering evangelists around the globe every day, Forward Movement has been producing innovative resources to encourage spiritual growth in individuals and congregations for more than eighty years. Best known for the daily devotional Forward Day by Day, Forward Movement also produces books, smart phone apps, pamphlets, conferences, online courses, church leadership resources, and more. Visit to learn more.


Forward Today: Clinging to the rock of our salvation

A large, dark gray slab of rock in the foreground, with the ocean and blue sky in the background. A wave crashes on the slab of rock, spraying white foam in the air.
Photo by Caio Arbulu on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

Nearly every day, reading the news brings disappointment, anger, or worry. Whatever our political persuasion, I think we can agree that we wish our political situation were transformed. It would be easy to be consumed by the worries of the world.

Lately I’ve been profoundly grateful for the Psalter. Reading the psalms does not make the problems of the world vanish, but the Psalter does give me hope. The psalms remind me that my hope is in God, not in earthly things. Psalm 62 begins:

For God alone my soul in silence waits; *
from him comes my salvation.
He alone is my rock and my salvation, *
my stronghold, so that I shall not be greatly shaken.

Our salvation comes not from earthly rulers or shiny things, but from God’s eternal love for us and for the whole creation.

My point today is not to minimize the sorrow and injustice of the world. Rather, my hope is that we will be strengthened by our trust in the rock of our salvation so that we may dwell in God’s presence. And from there, perhaps we will be emboldened to confront injustice and to offer consolation to the sorrowful.

Chasing the news cycle alone is a surefire path to despair. I’m not suggesting we shouldn’t stay informed! But when my first focus is on my daily prayer practice, I can take in the news and balance it alongside the Good News of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ.

A good practice is to spend as much time with the Psalter as we spend in the news. Then we can rest in God’s strength, the God who loves us so very much. And our God equips us to be bearers of grace and mercy in the world.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Lament and pray with the Spirituals: Face to the Rising Sun

A simple prayer practice that renews each day: Forward Day by Day

Pray the Psalms in the Daily Office: Hour by Hour

Sign up today: Renewing Discipleship conference, September 24-26

Forward Today: Joining the work of prayer

Several Forward Movement staff members sitting in a circle of chairs in a small chapel.
Morning Prayer at the Forward Movement staff retreat

We welcome back Margaret Ellsworth, Forward Movement’s Marketing Coordinator, as our guest author this week.

Dear friends in Christ,

I’m writing you this message from the Forward Movement offices in downtown Cincinnati. Which probably sounds like the most normal thing in the world to you – but for me, it’s a novelty and a blessing. Usually I do my work for Forward Movement from my home office in Boise, Idaho. But this week (or last week, as you’re reading this), I got to join my colleagues in-person for a Forward Movement staff retreat.

We dreamed about what Forward Movement might look like in ten years, living out our mission and thriving in new ways. We got to know our colleagues as people, not just folks in the next cubicle or faces in a Zoom window. We brainstormed and we laughed and we prayed.

Something I noticed here in Cincinnati, for this rare moment when we were all gathered together in one place, is how everyone here at Forward Movement knows prayer to be part of their work. Not just helping our readers to pray. But praying for our readers, for each other, and for Jesus’ presence among us, all along the way.

Every member of this team – editors and fundraisers, email experts and data-gatherers, folks who ship the books and answer the phones – is holding you up in prayer, on a regular basis. Today I ask you if you’ll pray for us as well. As we dream about Forward Movement’s next projects and how we can support you in your discipleship and ministry, keep us in your prayers. And thank you for being part of this community.

Yours faithfully,

Margaret Ellsworth
Marketing Coordinator

More from our ministry:

On sale now: Our newest Advent devotional

A prayer book portable enough for any situation: BCP Gift Edition

Data-driven insights for spiritual growth: Signs of Life

Pray with us every day:

Forward Today: Renewing prayer

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

I’ve just come back from leading a prayer retreat. Forward Movement offered this time to folks as a pilot event as we consider offering spiritual practice retreats. But this wasn’t just a test: the time together with real people doing real prayer led to real results.

Over three days, we spent time in conversation and prayer. We practiced several kinds of prayer, and there was plenty of time for quiet and reflection along with group time. I was inspired hearing people share their prayer practices and the impact of a life of prayer. God really is amazing.

As I reflect on our time, several things stand out. One is that every person’s journey is different, and it’s not uncommon to have a “dry spell” in which one feels less connected to God. Over the course of our lives, our prayer practices will almost surely need to change with us.

Even a seasoned person can learn new ways to pray, and I think most folks at the retreat were stretched in some way or found some new accent in their practice. In other words, we all do well to stay attentive as God calls us into new practices.

If you have not yet developed a daily prayer rhythm, it’s not too late! Forward Movement offers several resources to help you discover or new a daily habit of prayer. Rhonda Lee’s excellent book, Seek And You Will Find, offers a guided introduction to several ways to pray. Our prayer website offers the Daily Office and Forward Day by Day, and that same content is available as a free app. We have podcasts. And plenty more!

Do you feel like you could go deeper in prayer? You probably can. If you’re not sure where to start, talk to a wise spiritual friend or to your priest. Or reach out to us at Forward Movement. Prayer changes the world, one life at a time.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Take prayer with you in your pocket: Prayers for All Occasions

Take the pressure off with Devotions for People Who Don’t Do Devotions

The Prayer Book as training for a spiritual life: Inwardly Digest

Get ready to start the new quarter: Subscribe to Forward Day by Day