Category Archives: News

Forward Movement calls for A Season of Prayer: For an Election

A white banner image with stars and the heading A Season of Prayer for an Election

For the third US Presidential election in a row, Forward Movement calls on Episcopalians and all others to join in A Season of Prayer: For an Election. This year’s prayer novena—nine days of devotional prayers—calls upon God for discernment in voting and for the well-being of our nation.


Each day’s prayer comes from The Book of Common Prayer and will be shared on Forward Movement’s Facebook and Instagram channels, in both English and Spanish.


There are also downloadable bulletin inserts available for churches and small groups (files are letter size, and meant to be folded in half).


The novena begins on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, and continues through the day after the election (Wednesday, November 6).


“Sometimes people draw a distinction between prayer and action,” said the Rev. Scott Gunn, executive director of Forward Movement. “I am here to tell you that prayer is action. Prayer changes hearts and lives. Prayer may result in changes that are scarcely imaginable. Prayer may prompt us to engage in other actions. Above all, prayer helps us attend to our relationship with Almighty God, and this reminds us of who we are.”


Join Forward Movement on Facebook and Instagram to follow each day’s prayer and to share within your own network.


Download the bulletin inserts here, in English and Spanish.


Please encourage your congregation and your friends to get involved.


About Forward Movement

Inspiring disciples and empowering evangelists around the globe every day, Forward Movement has been producing innovative resources to encourage spiritual growth in individuals and congregations for more than eighty years. Best known for the daily devotional Forward Day by Day, Forward Movement also produces books, smart phone apps, pamphlets, conferences, online courses, church leadership resources, and more. Visit to learn more.


Help Forward Movement make selections for AdventWord 2024

Text reads "AdventWord" in bold purple letters. In smaller letters underneath, text reads "from Forward Movement." Background is a gray starburst, Forward Movement's logo.Forward Movement invites you to participate in selecting the daily prompt words for AdventWord 2024. AdventWord is an inspirational online Advent calendar featuring a daily prompt word chosen from the Sunday Lectionary readings.

Visit this online form to make your submissions by June 28, 2024. The form includes convenient links to the lectionary readings from which participants may choose and five fields to submit suggested words from the readings.

Forward Movement will announce the complete list of prompt words for AdventWord 2024 later this summer.

AdventWord is an offering of Forward Movement, a ministry of the Episcopal Church. Forward Movement provides this resource free of charge, thanks to the generosity of our donor community. Learn more, see past words, and donate at

Roger Hutchison announced as cover artist for 2025 issues of Forward Day by Day

Author, artist, and youth minister Roger Hutchison has contributed four striking covers for the 2025 issues of Forward Movement’s flagship devotional, Forward Day by Day. Starting in February 2025, subscribers will receive quarterly issues featuring Hutchison’s illustrations.

Four covers in a row of the pamphlet Forward Day by Day. Each cover has a bright watercolor illustration: from left to right, dragonflies, birds, a bare tree trunk, and a mother holding an infant.Roger Hutchison is the author and illustrator of ten books for children and adults, including The Art of Calm: Spiritual Exercises for the Anxious Soul and the bestselling Sparrow’s Prayer. Roger also serves as the Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries at Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church in Houston, TX. Roger’s mission is to use art, color, and poetic language to communicate love and promote healing and hope in today’s hurting world.

Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily inspirational meditations, first published in 1935 and read by over half a million Christians around the world. Each quarterly booklet features three authors who reflect on daily Bible passages. Each quarter, Forward Movement distributes more than 200,000 printed copies in Spanish and English.

“Growing up as a “PK” (priest’s kid), one of my earliest memories dates back to when I was about 12 years old and exploring the Episcopal Church where my dad served,” says Hutchison. “I distinctly remember being intrigued by the piles of Forward Day by Day. Even at that young age, I found myself drawn to both the cover art and interior words—dreaming of one day maybe being the artist invited to create the cover art for those booklets.”

Forward Day by Day is available in pocket-sized and large print editions, and is also offered in Spanish (Adelante Dìa a Dìa). Visit Forward Movement’s website to subscribe to Forward Day by Day.

About Forward Movement
Forward Movement inspires disciples and empowers evangelists. We offer devotions, Bible studies, formation courses, and other resources to equip and support people in their walk with Jesus Christ. Visit to learn more.

Forward Movement books win top honors in Christian book awards

Four books recently released by Forward Movement have been recognized as among the best Christian books by the 2023 Illumination Book Awards.

The Creation Care Bible Challenge, the ninth book of the best-selling Bible Challenge series created and edited by Marek Zabriskie, has been awarded the 2023 gold medal for Bible Study.

 Three silver medal awards were bestowed upon other Forward Movement titles: Mark Bozzuti-Jones’ Face to the Rising Sun: Reflections on Spirituals and Justice in the Devotional category; Miguel Escobar’s The Unjust Steward: Wealth, Poverty, and the Church Today for Theology; and Seek and You Will Find: Discovering a Practice of Prayer, by Rhonda Mawhood Lee, in the Spirituality category.

“We are excited to see these wonderful books receive recognition from the Illumination Awards,” said Richelle Thompson, managing editor of Forward Movement. “Each offers an invitation to deepen our relationship with Christ, ourselves, and each other. We’re proud to work with inspiring writers and contributors to bring these dynamic and engaging resources to life and help disciples on their journey.”

To celebrate these achievements, Forward Movement is offering an extra discount on each of these titles at, now through February 28, 2023.

To order these books or other resources, visit or call 1.800.543.1813. Our titles are available as eBooks on Kindle and Apple Books.


New leaders for mission and development at Forward Movement

Miriam McKenney and Lindsay Barrett-Adler headshots

Forward Movement has named new leaders for its development and mission efforts. Miriam McKenney is now Director of Mission, and Lindsay Barrett-Adler is now Director of Development.

Miriam McKenney headshot
Miriam McKenney

Not long ago, Miriam McKenney, who had been serving as Director of Development & Mission Engagement, asked if she could focus on Forward Movement’s mission work. After a conversation with the Rev. Scott Gunn, Forward Movement’s Executive Director, they enthusiastically planned her new role together.

McKenney will lead mission work for Forward Movement. This includes partnerships with other organizations and ministries, supplies of free materials to those who are in need, and innovative ways to work in the church to carry out Forward Movement’s work of inspiring disciples and empowering evangelists. McKenney brings deep experience both at Forward Movement and from other church ministries.

Lindsay Barrett-Adler headshot
Lindsay Barrett-Adler

Barrett-Adler had been serving as Development Associate, and is now promoted to Director of Development. She will lead Forward Movement’s fundraising and donor engagement work. Barrett-Adler offers a wealth of experience in fundraising for church-related nonprofits.

Gunn said, “I’m thrilled for both Miriam and Lindsay.” He added, “This will be good for them, good for Forward Movement, and good for the church.”

McKenney will continue to be Cincinnati-based. If you have a mission-related suggestion or question, you can reach her at

Barrett-Adler works in Philadelphia. If you have a development-related suggestion or question, you can reach her at

Forward Movement’s work, especially its mission work, is made possible by generous donors. If you would like to make a gift to Forward Movement, you can make a gift online.

Scott Gunn returns to work

All of us at Forward Movement are thrilled that the Rev. Scott Gunn has returned from medical leave. For the next couple of weeks, he’ll be around our Cincinnati office, and then we expect he’ll return to frequent travel across the church as preacher, speaker, and retreat leader.

As you may recall, the situation was quite serious last July when we shared news that Scott had experienced a medical crisis while on vacation in Singapore. Since then, he’s received excellent medical care, both in Singapore and the USA. More important, he’s living testimony of the power of prayer, and several of his medical providers have described him as a “walking miracle.”

Scott said, “I’m grateful beyond words for God’s grace and mercy, and I’m so glad to be back at Forward Movement full-time to continue the work God has given me to do.”

During Scott’s absence, the Forward Movement staff kept things running smoothly, while the board of directors took on extra work and kept a steady hand on the helm.

The Rev. Kate Wesch, chair of the board, said, “Thank you to everyone who has supported Scott and Forward Movement with your prayers and well wishes during these months. We are overjoyed that Scott is returning and give thanks to God for his recovery.”

Scott’s medical team reports that his prognosis is excellent, and last month, he had successful heart surgery that repaired underlying issues that led to last summer’s crisis. His doctors anticipate that he will not have further cardiac issues.

All of us at Forward Movement are grateful for this good news, and we are also glad to have Scott back.

AdventWord: Announcing the daily prompt words for 2022 | Palabras que invitan a la reflexión

Forward Movement has announced the 2022 reflection words for AdventWord, a global online advent calendar and community of disciples. For nearly a decade AdventWord has inspired followers of Jesus who wish to add an accessible prayer practice to their daily routine during this holy season.

Daily meditations and images—inspired by a prompt word selected from the daily lectionary readings—will be released at, beginning Sunday, November 27.

Participants can sign up to receive this daily message, in English and Spanish, by email or by following AdventWord on social media.

Many followers join the creativity each year by sharing their own personal reflections across social media using #AdventWord. Participants respond with photos, written responses, crafts, drawings, poems, found art, and other creative expressions inspired by the day’s selected word.

List of the 2022 AdventWord prompts

“This year we enlisted volunteer community members to help with the selection of prompt words from the daily lectionary readings,” said Richelle Thompson, managing editor at Forward Movement. “The online gathering of dozens of AdventWord community members was an inspiring way to kick off the planning for 2022 and a strong reminder that AdventWord is community-driven.”

All-in-one graphics, bulletin inserts and printable calendars of the 2022 prompt words are available for download at

The reflection prompt words for AdventWord 2022 are:

  • 27-Nov: Walk | Caminar
  • 28-Nov: Together | Juntos
  • 29-Nov: Teach | Enseñar
  • 30-Nov: Mountains | Montañas
  • 1-Dec: Make | Hacer
  • 2-Dec: Ready | Preparado
  • 3-Dec: Unity | Unidad
  • 4-Dec: Delight | Deleite
  • 5-Dec: Rain | Lluvia
  • 6-Dec: Welcome | Acogida
  • 7-Dec: Winnowing | Zarandear
  • 8-Dec: Breathe | Respirar
  • 9-Dec: Fire | Fuego
  • 10-Dec: Flourish | Florecer
  • 11-Dec: Messenger | Mensajero
  • 12-Dec: Wilderness | Desierto
  • 13-Dec: Stranger | Forastero
  • 14-Dec: Beloved | Amados
  • 15-Dec: Thirsty | Sediento
  • 16-Dec: Traveler | Viajeros
  • 17-Dec: Majesty | Majestad
  • 18-Dec: Purify | Purificar
  • 19-Dec: Sign | Señales
  • 20-Dec: Hear | Oír
  • 21-Dec: Obedience | Obediencia
  • 22-Dec: Choose | Elegir
  • 23-Dec: Restore | Restaurar
  • 24-Dec: Birth | Nacimiento
  • 25-Dec: Emmanuel | Emanuel


Follow AdventWord for more information and updates:


AdventWord: Palabras que invitan a la reflexión

Forward Movement acaba de anunciar las palabras de AdventWord para el Adviento de 2022. AdventWord es una iniciativa anual que incluye un calendario de Adviento y una comunidad de discípulos que se enfocan en una palabra diaria que invita a la reflexión.

Por casi una década AdventWord viene inspirando a los seguidores y seguidoras de Jesús que desean hacer la meditación parte de su rutina diaria durante el tiempo de Adviento.

Las meditaciones y las imágenes diarias provienen de las lecturas del leccionario diario. Las comenzaremos a publicar en a partir del domingo 27 de noviembre.

Los participantes pueden inscribirse para recibir un mensaje diario, en inglés y en español, por email o siguiendo a AdventWord en las redes sociales.

Muchos seguidores se unen al proceso creativo y comparten sus propias reflexiones en las redes sociales usando la etiqueta #AdventWord. Y los participantes responden con fotos, escritos, manualidades, dibujos, poemas, arte creada por otros, y otras expresiones creativas inspiradas por la palabra del día.

las palabras de AdventWord para el Adviento de 2022

Richelle Thompson, editora gerente de Forward Movement, declaró: “Este año logramos enlistar a voluntarios que nos ayudaron a elegir las palabras tomadas de las lecturas del leccionario diario. Reunimos en línea a docenas de miembros de la comunidad AdventWord, lo que fue una manera muy inspiradora de lanzar el planeamiento de 2022, y nos recordó vívidamente que AdventWord es un programa de participación comunitaria”.

Se pueden descargar boletines y calendarios para imprimir con las palabras de 2022 en este enlace:

Las palabras seleccionadas para AdventWord en 2022 son las siguientes:

  • 27-Nov: Walk | Caminar
  • 28-Nov: Together | Juntos
  • 29-Nov: Teach | Enseñar
  • 30-Nov: Mountains | Montañas
  • 1-Dec: Make | Hacer
  • 2-Dec: Ready | Preparado
  • 3-Dec: Unity | Unidad
  • 4-Dec: Delight | Deleite
  • 5-Dec: Rain | Lluvia
  • 6-Dec: Welcome | Acogida
  • 7-Dec: Winnowing | Zarandear
  • 8-Dec: Breathe | Respirar
  • 9-Dec: Fire | Fuego
  • 10-Dec: Flourish | Florecer
  • 11-Dec: Messenger | Mensajero
  • 12-Dec: Wilderness | Desierto
  • 13-Dec: Stranger | Forastero
  • 14-Dec: Beloved | Amados
  • 15-Dec: Thirsty | Sediento
  • 16-Dec: Traveler | Viajeros
  • 17-Dec: Majesty | Majestad
  • 18-Dec: Purify | Purificar
  • 19-Dec: Sign | Señales
  • 20-Dec: Hear | Oír
  • 21-Dec: Obedience | Obediencia
  • 22-Dec: Choose | Elegir
  • 23-Dec: Restore | Restaurar
  • 24-Dec: Birth | Nacimiento
  • 25-Dec: Emmanuel | Emanuel


Para más información y noticias sobre AdventWord, seguir estos enlaces:



An update about the Rev. Canon Scott Gunn

Dear friends in Christ,

The power of prayer is never to be underestimated. God is present in our waiting, in our worry, and in our joy. Today, we get to share profound joy and gladness with you.

We are thrilled to announce that our executive director, the Rev. Canon Scott Gunn, has made significant progress in his healing over the past few days. His medical team report that all signs are pointing toward a full and complete recovery.

His doctors expect that he will be able to travel home from Singapore in four to six weeks. While he may be released from the hospital before then, he will need to continue his rehabilitation on an outpatient basis before doctors can recommend long-distance travel.

Scott’s wife, the Rev. Sherilyn Pearce, will remain with him in Singapore through his rehabilitation and recovery. During this time, we ask that you refrain from calling, texting, or emailing so that they may devote their energy entirely to Scott’s health and the extraordinary medical and therapeutic resources that are supporting his miraculous progress. They both experience the power of your prayers each day.

We will continue to update you as information is available. The staff and board of directors of Forward Movement appreciate your support and ask for your continued prayers for Scott, Sherilyn, and his medical team.

Let us pray.

O Lord, your compassions never fail and your mercies are new every morning: We give you thanks for giving our brother Scott both relief from pain and hope of health renewed. Continue in him, we pray, the good work you have begun; that he, daily increasing in bodily strength, and rejoicing in your goodness, may so order his life and conduct that he may always think and do those things that please you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP p. 460)

 In faith and peace,

The Rev. Kate Wesch
Board Chair



Forward Today: Of prayer and patience

Editor’s Note: We bring you our Forward Today weekly message a bit ahead of schedule this week, to give our community the latest updates on our Executive Director Scott Gunn’s condition and to ask continued prayers for his recovery. Thanks to The Rev. Kate Wesch, our Board Chair, for stepping in to write.

Dear friends in Christ,

My name is Kate Wesch and I am the Chair of the Board of Forward Movement. On behalf of the staff and members of the board, I would like to thank you for your care, concern, and prayers for Scott Gunn since his serious medical incident last week.

Recent reports from Scott’s wife, Sherilyn Pearce, say that he has come a long way in a short amount of time. Sherilyn also says, “It is not an overstatement when I say that it is miraculous that he is alive.” If I have learned anything from Scott, it’s that God can do anything, and the power of prayer can indeed be miraculous.

It was only a couple months ago that the board gathered in New York City to pray, enjoy one another’s company, and dream about the mission and ministry of Forward Movement. This ministry is about reaching a disparate community, providing resources to all Episcopalians, and ultimately inspiring disciples and empowering evangelists. And, as we have seen in the past week through so many messages of care and concern, this is Christian community as well.

While we wait for more news, hoping Scott is okay, worrying about his friends and loved ones, we must remember that God is in this. God is in the waiting too. God is present in our prayers even when they don’t seem like enough. Because I’ll tell you a secret. They are. Your prayers are enough.

And so, may we continue to pray:

O God of heavenly powers, by the might of your command you drive away from our bodies all sickness and all infirmity: Be present in your goodness with your servant Scott., that his weakness may be banished and his strength restored; and that, his health being renewed, he may bless your holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

In faith and peace,

The Rev. Kate Wesch
Board Chair

Forward Day by Day app and website upgrades add Spanish content, new features

Forward Movement has updated its popular Forward Day by Day app and Daily Prayer website with a Spanish language setting, as well as a fourth daily podcast.

App users and website visitors may now select English or Spanish in their preferences, changing the scripture, prayers, and devotions, as well as navigation and system settings. Ongoing improvements to scripture translations will continue to improve the reading experience in Spanish in the coming months.

Scripture Day by Day podcast logoThe upgrade also unveils Scripture Day by Day, a new daily office podcast following the readings listed in Forward Day by Day, with lectionary readings for Sundays and Major Feasts following the Revised Common Lectionary.

Created by the Rev. Canon Wiley Ammons of Jacksonville, Florida, Scripture Day by Day joins three podcasts already available for playback within the app and website: the Forward Day by Day Podcast, A Morning at the Office, and An Evening at Prayer. All are available across major podcast platforms and on the Forward Movement website.

The latest improvements are thanks to the work of the Rev. Greg Johnston of Cambridge, Massachusetts, who overhauled the app and website in the summer of 2021. Johnston is also the creator of the popular Venite app, which Forward Movement began sponsoring in 2020.

“These upgrades have a tangible impact on people’s journey with Jesus, especially as we navigate a busy and distracting world,” said the Rev. Canon Scott Gunn, Forward Movement executive director. “We’re honored to work with a dedicated community of partners and donors to improve this free offering for the church.”

Visitors to the website ( will see the new options immediately, though a browser refresh may be needed. Users of the Forward Day by Day app should automatically receive the update, depending on their device and settings.

The donor-supported app is available free of charge on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

About Forward Movement

Forward Movement inspires disciples and empowers evangelists. We offer devotions, Bible studies, formation courses, and other resources to equip and support people in their walk with Jesus Christ. Visit or to learn more.


La aplicación “Forward Day by Day” ahora está disponible en español, y con más funciones

Forward Movement ha actualizado la aplicación “Forward Day by Day” y el sitio web de oración diaria, que ahora ofrece el texto en español y un cuarto podcast diario.

Quienes usan la aplicación o visitan el sitio web podrán ahora seleccionar español o inglés, cambiando el idioma de las escrituras, oraciones y devociones, así como las configuraciones de navegación y sistema. En los próximos meses se harán mejoras adicionales.

Scripture Day by Day podcast logoLa aplicación incluye además “Scripture Day by Day”, un nuevo podcast del oficio diario que sigue las lecturas indicadas en Adelante día a día, con las lecturas del leccionario para los domingos y las fiestas mayores tal como aparecen en el Leccionario Común Revisado.

“Scripture Day by Day” fue creado por el Rev. Canónigo Wiley Ammons de Jacksonville, Florida, y se suma a los tres podcasts que ya están disponibles en la aplicación y el sitio web: El podcast de Forward Day by Day, A Morning at the Office y An Evening at Prayer. Todos están disponibles en las plataformas de podcasts y en el sitio web de Forward Movement.

Las mejoras más recientes las realizó el Rev. Greg Johnston de Cambridge, Massachusetts, que en el verano de 2021 renovó la aplicación y el sitio web. Johnston es también el creador de la aplicación Venite, que Forward Movement viene patrocinando desde 2020,

El Rev. Canónigo Scott Gunn, director ejecutivo de Forward Movement, dijo que “estas mejoras impactan de manera tangible nuestro caminar con Jesús, especialmente con los muchos trajines y distracciones de nuestro mundo. Nos honra poder trabajar con una comunidad de socios y donantes para mejorar este recurso que le ofrecemos gratuitamente a la iglesia”.

Las mejoras ya pueden verse en el sitio Quienes ya usan la aplicación Forward Day by Day recibirán una actualización automática según el dispositivo y las configuraciones que usen.

La aplicación, que es gratuita y se logró con el apoyo de donantes, se puede descargar en las tiendas digitales de Apple y de Google Play.

Forward Movement

En Forward Movement inspiramos discípulos y empoderamos evangelistas. Ofrecemos devociones, estudios bíblicos, cursos de formación y otros recursos para equipar y apoyar nuestro discipulado con Jesucristo. Para averiguar más, visítanos en o