All posts by FM News

Welcome guests at Christmas with these helpful resources

Advent begins tomorrow – the season of preparing for Christmas. Whether you’re pulling out the extra chairs to expand your worship space, or shopping for Christmas gifts for family near and far, you are likely preparing to welcome guests and visitors in the weeks to come.

In the church, Christmas worship services are among the most-attended in nearly every congregation each year – not just for regular worshipers, but for folks who are new to the church or are visiting with family. Here at Forward Movement, we know how important the work of welcome is. And we want to help. Here are a few ideas for gifts or giveaways that church leaders and individuals can share with visitors this Christmas.

For families of all ages: “Christmas: It’s A Season” Calendar

Contrary to secular culture, in the Christian tradition, the twelve days of Christmas begin on Christmas day and the season continues through January 6, the Epiphany, when we recall the coming of the Wise Men to honor Jesus’s birth. With this calendar, you can be more intentional about celebrating the full season of Christmas.

Sold in shrink-wrapped packs of 25, these make a perfect giveaway on the way out the door from Christmas Eve worship. Break out the crayons and markers at home to decorate this calendar with the whole family.

For children: The BIG Way of Love for Kids Playing Cards

Jesus loved to be with children, so we are thrilled to offer a new discipleship resource: The BIG Way of Love for Kids. It’s a set of playing cards and activities to help our kids to become the BIG, beloved children of God they were created to be.

Order sets of playing cards in the custom box (or print the free digital coloring sheets). The cards (or sheets) guide children to explore Bible stories, listen, pray, learn, and practice. They can play alone and with friends, church teachers, or family.

These cards are perfect stocking stuffers for a grandchild, godchild, or young friend. They would also be a good addition to a church nursery or children’s chapel. Jesus meets us everywhere where we go, so this resource is easy to take everywhere you go. Because we’re never too old or too young to walk the Way of Love with Jesus.

For adults: Forward Day by Day

Of course, we hope each Christmas visitor takes their encounter with Jesus into the new year. For nearly a century, Forward Movement has provided a tool to reflect and pray in the midst of a busy life: Forward Day by Day. The classic pocket-size version in English or Spanish is about the size of a cell phone, but thinner – easy to slip into a pocket or purse on the way out of church on Christmas.

This festive season may be a good time for your church to start a bulk subscription, or just order a few 10-packs to restock for visitors. For those of you shopping for family or friends, consider a gift subscription in their name. Your loved one will receive four issues of insightful meditations, mailed to their address throughout the year.

The work of welcome – extending a friendly hand to visitors and newcomers – is an essential part of evangelism. Welcoming visitors to your church or home this Christmas can invite them to form a relationship with your community, and perhaps even deepen their relationship with Jesus. We pray that everyone who walks through your doors in this holy season is blessed for the year ahead.

Forward Today: Gratitude, always

Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

Tomorrow, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. This is one of those times when the church keeps a feast on a secular holiday. Our prayer book sets this day aside as a major feast.

The history of Thanksgiving Day is complicated, and it’s worth exploring to see what we can learn. But today I simply want to express my gratitude for a feast that invites us to express our gratitude. Gratitude upon gratitude!

Given all the headlines, one might be tempted to skip an occasion to offer our thanks to God. There’s so much to fix in our world! Violence and division seem endemic. Greed and fear run amok. In a time like this, it’s more important than ever to pause and give thanks.

There isn’t a person alive who hasn’t received blessings from God. Life itself is a gift. God has richly blessed us and our world. And if nothing else, we can give thanks “for the means of grace and for the hope of glory” in Jesus Christ.

For my part, I want to share some of the things for which I’m grateful. At Forward Movement, I’m thankful for a passionate and faithful staff who do excellent work to build up the body of Christ. I’m grateful for generous donors who make it possible for us to offer free materials online and to send free booklets and books to those in need, especially people who are in prisons. And I’m filled with gratitude for God’s call to serve him in his church, for the opportunity to testify to God’s goodness and to invite others to know the love of Jesus.

For what are you grateful?

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

P.S. You won’t hear from us on Giving Tuesday because we believe every day is an opportunity for gratitude and generosity. We welcome your offering of thanksgiving to God anytime, sharing new and Christ-centered ministry resources.

More from our ministry:

Our ministry in numbers and stories: 2024 Annual Report

Get your Christmas and Epiphany calendars today

Gratitude and giving as spiritual practices: Vital Signs of Life

Share these spiritual playing cards with your littlest loved ones

Forward Today: The King of kings and Lord of lords

Photo: Scott Gunn

Dear friends in Christ,

This weekend we celebrate the last Sunday of our church year, a day on which we always focus on the kingship of Christ. The collect beautifully sums up what this celebration is all about:

Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Let us pray those words fervently.

Politicians and those seeking office have been much in the news lately. We who follow Jesus do well to remember that he is our king. No earthly ruler has the ultimate claim on us.

And what kind of king is Jesus? He is nothing like most political leaders. He came not to be served, but to serve. His rule is gracious, that is, full of grace and mercy. He is always loving. He brings us not condemnation for our sins, but a path to salvation by the remission of our sins.

May all our hearts be governed by Jesus. And may our love of Jesus lead us to love our neighbors and seek their well-being.

We are also on the cusp of Advent, as we prepare ourselves to worship Jesus at Christmas but also to greet him when he comes in glory.

Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come. Be for us the King of kinds and Lord of lords.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

P.S. If you are looking for ways to observe Advent, check out Forward Movement’s books and other materials for the season. Order by this Saturday, November 23, to ensure delivery before the First Sunday of Advent (December 1).

More from our ministry:

Last chance to order Advent calendars for 2024!

New this year: Calendars for Christmas and Epiphany

Devotions for each Person of the Trinity: A Generous Beckoning

Sign up for free email meditations:

Forward Today: Why go to church?

Photo by Pedro Lima on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

A few years ago, I was asked to give a series of talks about why we go to church. Of course, there are lots of great reasons to go to church. We might enjoy the community or the music. Perhaps closer to the core, we do well to offer our thanks and praise to God each week.

The scriptures teach is one very specific and important reason to go to church, and this is perhaps counter-cultural. This coming Sunday’s lessons bring us crucial verses from the letter to the Hebrews:

And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

We meet to encourage one another. But we also gather so that we can provoke one another. Sometimes I need someone to urge me to deeper commitment. Maybe I can offer words of encouragement or, if needed, chastening, to a fellow Christian.

Our church has to do better than “nice.” Sure, let’s be kind. But let us also hasten to provoke one other to love and good deeds, just as the scriptures call us.

We are fast approaching Advent, a whole season devoted to preparing ourselves to meet and to worship Jesus. Perhaps amidst the chaos and turmoil of this world, the quiet season of Advent is just what we need. As we focus on Jesus as our aim and our hope, we can urge others to do the same.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

P.S. Forward Movement has a whole array of resources for the season of Advent. Check them out: calendars, books, and more.

More from our ministry:

Get your “Slow Down. Quiet” calendar before Advent begins

Our ministry in numbers and stories: Annual Report 2024

Create your own rule of life: The Way of Love Practical Guide

This giving season, consider a gift subscription to Forward Day by Day

Forward Today: Jesus is Lord

Photo by Paul Keiffer on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

I’m writing this several days before the US elections, and I don’t know what will happen. The race for president looks close, and lots of state and local offices are up in the air. So this message comes without any knowledge of partisan outcomes. And that’s just as well, because for those of us who follow Jesus, some things are true regardless of who is elected to national, state, or local offices.

Perhaps the most important thing all Christians profess is this: Jesus is Lord.

That three-word creed has several implications.

If Jesus is my Lord, that means neither my nation or my national leader is my boss. Sure, it matters in all kinds of ways who serves in political leadership positions. But no president is the Savior. No president can raise the dead. No president can redeem us from sin and death.

With Jesus as my Lord, I can live fearlessly, contending with evil wherever I see it.

If I see Jesus as my Lord, then I will soon see that he is the Lord of all who follow him, even if I disagree with their politics. Jesus died to save sinners: them and us, you and me. We do well to remember that.

We have seen unprecedented levels of political violence in the USA in the last few years and months. Division seems to grow, chasms between families and neighbors ever wider. Of course, I hope we will all work for reconciliation—and all that this encompasses. I don’t think we can do it on our own. We’ll need God’s help for that.

Thanks be to God, Jesus is our mediator and advocate. And he has come to offer salvation to all who will turn to him.

In this tumultuous time, let us pray for strength, wisdom, and courage. Let us pray for whoever serves as the President of the USA. Whoever holds that job certainly needs God’s help! And let us remember that no party defines us. Nothing can defeat God’s grace and mercy. Whatever happens in our world and in our lives, Jesus is Lord.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Pray with us on the last day of the Season of Prayer

Meditations for every day: Forward Day by Day

In case you missed it: Lent Madness bracket announced

Explore our Advent and Christmas books, calendars, and more

Forward Today: The advent of Advent

Dear friends in Christ,

It may well seem like every moment of every day is focused on the coming election. And as I wrote last week, I hope we are all praying and working for wise decisions in this time.

It’s also true that Advent is just around the corner. Whatever happens on election day, our nation will seem to grow more and more divided. Deep rifts have been laid bare. This makes Advent more important than ever.

Advent will be an excellent season to remember another time, in another nation, when violence and separation seemed to rule. And into that world came Jesus Christ, promising peace through mercy and grace. Advent also reminds us that one day Jesus will come in glory, setting right those things which are wrong, bringing healing where there are wounds, and rendering judgement on all.

I know that I am already yearning for Advent as a time to regain my perspective and to restore my sense of hope.

Forward Movement offers several resources to help you and your church savor the richness of Advent.

You can get packs of colorable Advent calendars—created by Jay Sidebotham—to support families in your church through the season.

Our newly published Advent devotional book, Show Me Your Ways, O Lord, takes us on a reflective journey through some of the psalms traditionally associated with Advent. And we offer other Advent devotional books as well.

Let us pray for peace and justice as we prepare our churches, our world, and our hearts to greet Jesus Christ.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Join our online Advent calendar: AdventWord

Pray with us for the next week: A Season of Prayer

Celebrate the Twelve Days: Colorable Christmas calendar

Follow Jesus’ way through scripture: The Way of Love Bible Challenge

Forward Today: A season of prayer

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

We are getting very close to an important election in the life of our nation. At all levels— local, state, national—critical decisions will be made about who leads us.

This ought to matter greatly to all of us who follow Jesus. Our Lord commanded us to love our neighbors. One way to love our neighbors is to seek their well-being by political means.

It’s clear that there are sharply different views of which direction our nation should take. And the same division can be found in most states and in many local communities. The end result is that this time seems to be pushing us toward division rather than uniting us as a people who seek the common good.

There are many things we can do as followers of Jesus. We can volunteer in political campaigns or even seek public office. We can encourage voting. We can work for free and fair elections. Above all, we can pray.

Forward Movement invites you to join in a nine-day cycle of prayer for our nation and for this election. Praying for nine days is an ancient rhythm; it’s long enough to feel sustainable, but brief enough to be accessible to all. The season starts October 29 and ends the day after the election, November 6.

All the prayers are taken from the Book of Common Prayer. Forward Movement has put together bulletin inserts and some social media to use in local churches. The materials are also available in Spanish. Social media posts will begin on October 29 on Forward Movement’s Facebook and Instagram channels.

We encourage you to download the materials and use them or share them as you see fit.

And now, let us pray.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

2024 calendars now available: Slow Down. Quiet. It’s Advent

Reflect on the psalms of Advent: Show Me Your Ways, O Lord

Support free offerings like the Season of Prayer: Donate today

Intercessions for all sorts and conditions of people: Prayers for All Occasions

Forward Today: The lessons of giving

We welcome Canon Brendan O’Sullivan Hale, treasurer of Forward Movement’s board, as our guest author this week.

Dear friends in Christ,

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Over the last year or so, a minor controversy has erupted at my church. Like a lot of places, giving patterns have shifted in the congregation over the last few years, with electronic giving becoming increasingly prevalent, and not just among younger members.

The controversy involves the laminated cards we’ve placed in the pews reading “I give online,” and including a QR code to the giving page on the website. The cards are intended to make it easier for visitors to know how to give online, and to allow newcomers and longtime members alike to offer their gifts before God in worship, or, perhaps less high-minded but still meaningful, to avoid looking stingy when the offering plate goes by. But some members of the church worry – and with solid scriptural support! – that the cards fly in the face of Jesus’s admonitions against practicing your faith for an audience. Doesn’t this violate the spirit of the instruction not to “let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3)?

Reminding people that using the cards was optional was enough to resolve most of the angst. But the questions the incident raised about faithfulness in giving, and the act of giving as a sort of social performance, remain.

As you think about your experience as a follower of Christ, whether that’s been for a lifetime or a path you’ve only recently started to tread, who taught you how to give? For Christ’s Jewish audience in Matthew’s Gospel, the answer would have been obvious. The Torah contains detailed instructions for appointed sacrifices, reinforced by social and religious customs, with the temple at the center of worship.

It would be easy to assume that the tithe – 10% of income – as the biblical standard of giving is well understood by Christians. But a 2022 survey by the Barna Group reveals that 44% of Christians cannot definitively say what the tithe is. That’s nearly half of us! So I suspect for a lot of Christians, maybe including you, the lessons of giving might not have come from the church, but from your family, or secular culture, or maybe you’ve developed an ethic on your own.

One of the jobs at the church is to be a “school for saints.” By being part of a church, you commit to daily becoming more and more like Christ through the practices of discipleship, including regular attendance at worship, scripture study, prayer, service, and generosity with the money entrusted to you for the common good and the greater purposes of God.

Are laminated “I give online“ cards an appropriate tool to help model what giving looks like in Christian community when fewer of us are dropping cash and checks in the plate? Your mileage may vary. But I pray that wherever the school for saints you make your spiritual home, your fellow students of discipleship continually and lovingly provoke you and one another to a generosity joyful and pure, a shimmering reflection of the generous grace of God.

Yours faithfully,

Brendan O’Sullivan-Hale
Treasurer of the Forward Movement Board

A message from our Director of Development:

There are many ways to give to Forward Movement, including stock and securities. A donor shares: “Years ago my wife and I bought stock in a fledgling computer company. It has appreciated in value and each year we give a block of it to Forward Movement. Giving appreciated stock both lowers our taxes and enables Forward Movement to continue to bless thousands of people with resources to guide them in listening for the subtle promptings of the Spirit.” Contact me (Lindsay Barrett-Adler) if you would like more information.

More from our ministry:

Reflect on faith and wealth: The Unjust Steward

Manage your church’s money wisely: Finance Resource Guide

Read Brendan’s reflection in The Way of Love: A Practical Guide

An accessible look at Matthew’s Gospel: A Journey with Matthew Bible Challenge

Forward Today: Getting through the storms

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

As I write this, millions of people in several states are still recovering from Hurricane Helene. And Hurricane Milton is bearing down on Florida. Calamitous weather seems to be the new normal across the nation and the world.

Looking at our political landscape, I think we could find bipartisan agreement that we face many metaphorical political storms. Precisely at a time when our nation needs its elected leaders to work together for the common good, our leaders seem locked in acrimonious division.

Literal and metaphorical storms take an enormous toll on us, both as individuals and as a nation. And these storms are related, because our leaders are not adequately addressing the underlying problem of climate change that leads to more frequent and more intense storms of all kinds.

It would be easy to despair. What is a Christian to do?

Those of us who were not affected by recent storms can help those who were—with prayer and monetary donations. All of us can do our part to work for healthy governance as we enter the voting booth soon.

I don’t have the answer for how to navigate the storms of this life, either the harsh weather and dysfunctional politics. But St. Paul has good advice for us. He knew something about storms and struggles. So when he speaks, he has the credibility and the experience we need.

Here is his advice, found in the fourth chapter of Philippians:

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:4-9)

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try to do as he says. The peace of God is just what I need. Maybe you do, too.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Join us for the upcoming Season of Prayer for an Election

Pray with and for God’s world: The Creation Care Bible Challenge

Discuss immigration through the lens of scripture: No Longer Strangers

Pray on the go wherever you are with our daily podcasts

Forward Today: The company of fellow pilgrims

Photo by Janelle Hiroshige on Unsplash

Dear friends in Christ,

I’ve just returned from a few days in the Diocese of Texas, where I’m happy to report the Holy Spirit is doing mighty things!

On Sunday, I preached at St. Cuthbert’s in Houston. It’s one of the most racially diverse churches I’ve ever had the pleasure of worshiping in. A dazzling row of flags hangs in the worship space representing the many nations from which the members of this church come. But more than that, the place is radiant with the Spirit. They have seen dramatic growth in the last year or two, and there’s no sign of that slowing down.

What’s their secret? Why are they so vibrant? There are probably a lot of reasons, but I think their sustained focus on the transforming love of Jesus Christ — changing the world one life at a time — must be the root. Their music is lively and excellent. Their worship is well done and right out of the Book of Common Prayer. And, golly, they are deeply welcoming. If you are in the area, go check it out.

Sunday afternoon, I drove out to Camp Allen, the camp and conference center of the Diocese of Texas. There I met with the Small Church Network. This is a practice I would commend to other dioceses: twice a year, the churches with attendance under 50 get together to learn from one another. These smaller churches are able to offer personal ministry and tight-knit community. While larger churches may have more programs, small churches have their own strengths. Bigger is not better, it’s just bigger.

I heard inspiring stories of transforming ministry taking place in small churches in small towns. The Gospel is making a difference. If you are reading this and you are from a small church, I encourage you to reach out to others and to draw inspiration and support.

Finally, while I was in Texas, I met with their diocesan group of retired clergy and spouses. There were centuries of ministry experience in the room. I was encouraged by their hope for the future of our church and for the love of Jesus to make a mark in the world.

Sometimes it’s tempting to despair over the challenges we face and the seemingly unstoppable decline of our beloved church. But decline is not unstoppable. Jesus Christ, who conquered death and the grave, also promised to abide with his church until the end of time. We are not alone in our work. We have our Lord, and we have the company of fellow pilgrims on the way.

Let us all draw inspiration from one another. And let us never forget the reason our churches exist. It is not for comfort or prestige or security, but rather so that we can make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

More from our ministry:

Resources for churches of every size: Vestry Resource Guide

In case you missed it: Meet the authors of our Advent devotional

Simple, portable prayers for a life on the go: Hour by Hour

Join disciples around the world: Read Forward Day by Day