Forward Today: God’s mercy endures forever

The Pyramids of Giza

Dear friends in Christ,

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about travel and how it helps remind me of important life lessons. That same trip gave me other insights, as well.

While I was in Cairo, I went to see the pyramids of Giza. I’d wanted to see them for decades, and they lived up to the hype. The morning I went, I walked all around the site, seeing the pyramids from different perspectives and touching ancient stones.

After a while, I needed a break, so I found a well-known restaurant with a splendid view of all the pyramids. Because it was the height of summer heat, there were very few other tourists. In the quiet, as I sat there sipping my coffee, I gazed at the ancient wonder of the world.

For 3,800 years, the Great Pyramid was the tallest human-made structure in the world. According to the traditional chronology, when Moses lived, the great pyramid was already close to 1,000 years old. Compared to the normal structures of the era—modest dwellings, even palaces—the pyramids must have been mind-blowing.

It would have been easy to see those pyramids and conclude that Pharaoh’s might was the greatest force in the world. And yet, when God sought to liberate his people, the mercy of the Lord exceeded armies, wealth, rulers, and worldly power. Mercy triumphed over might.

As I sat there pondering this, I thought about the vexing challenges of our time. Too many politicians crave power over the public good. The rich exploit others to gain even more wealth. People turn a blind eye toward injustice and oppression. Most of us consume more than we need, poisoning our world and harming others so that we can enjoy cheap goods.

Sometimes I am filled with despair. How can we fulfill our Lord’s command to love our neighbors? How can we work toward a better world? How will the mighty be cast down?

Seeing those pyramids helped me remember that, in the end, God’s mercy endures forever. We surely have a role in proclaiming this truth and in aligning our lives with God’s will. But we don’t have to save the world. We already have a mighty savior. What good news that is!

Yours faithfully,

Scott Gunn's signature

Scott Gunn
Executive Director

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