Advent Actions: Week Four

Dear friends in Christ, 

Advent is nearing an end, but we do have nearly another full week of hope and preparation. In keeping with the last three weeks of suggestions for Advent Actions (week one, week two, week three), here are some ideas for ways you might use this time to open yourself to God’s transforming love in your own life and in the world.

Photo via Flickr user storebukkebruse / Creative Commons


  • In Advent, we remember the promise that God is with us — Emmanuel. Connect with members of your church to talk about ways you see people serving and loving each other in your neighborhood or city. Where do you see God’s spirit moving in those actions? How does your faith community join in? What partnerships might your church be called to explore? 

  • We heard the story of Joseph and Mary this Sunday at church, a story familiar and heart-warming for many of us. It’s easy to forget that this was a non-traditional family living out a real crisis (giving birth away from home, hospitality, and midwives) in the midst of a government registration far more sinister than a simple census! And yet Scripture sets the story of God’s incarnation in the midst of this crisis. When have you experienced crisis? What is it like to need help? When have you heard God’s voice reminding you not to be afraid? 

  • Gather friends or family around a meal table. Since Christmas is coming, talk about what gifts you’d like to receive. But this time, don’t think about material goods for yourself. What gifts would you like to see that might honor the spirit and wonder of Christmas? Don’t stop there. Imagine what it would take for that gift to be made real. If someone says, “I’d like to see world peace,” then talk about what you can do to bring that gift closer to reality. Think big! Speak boldly!

Remember to share your experience with friends, either in person or online. Please consider posting these stories here in the comments or on Forward Movement’s Facebook or Twitter feeds.