Tag Archives: all brackets day

A Saint Sale for All Saints’ Day

October is kind of a big month for saints’ days. We celebrated one of our most beloved saints, and the 2015 Golden Halo Winner, Saint Francis of Assisi on October 4. On October 31, we begin one of our lesser-known triduums (three-day festivals)—All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’, and All-Souls. Tim and Scott will tell you that there is actually a fourth bonus day to this feast—All Brackets’ Day—and they would be mostly non-heretical in that claim. Mostly.


From Remigius of Rheims (Apostle to the Franks), William Tyndale (Translator and Martyr), Theresa of Avila, Luke, Simon, Jude, and all the saints of God, known and unknown, who have gone before us are celebrated as we make the tight turn into fall.  And life is still rolling on all around us, even in the midst of these holy mysteries and celebrations. All that excitement is enough to make you want to turn off the TV, or put down your phone, or take a hot shower, or a camping trip, or a long walk just to clear your head.

We know Francis as the patron saint of animals, and many of us are invited to bring our furry friends to church for a special blessing on his day. Some of us may think about Francis when we pray for our favorite Cub Scout, or friends who live in San Francisco, or for our friends who sell and make things. But what would happen if we thought about Francis—or any of the saints, for that matter—when we walk through our neighborhoods, or on our way to work, or through the parking lot to take the kids into school?

We enjoyed seeing your pet blessing pictures on social media—and we’re looking forward to seeing your favorite (and appropriate—I mean come on, we’re family-friendly) Halloween costumes, even as we await with bated breath the release of the 2017 Saintly Scorecard. Don’t forget to brush and floss and say your prayers!

In the meantime, what better way to get excited about All Saints’ Day than with a site-wide sale? From now until November 1, take 10% off one order (of any size) from Forward Movement. Just use the campaign code SAINTSDAY at checkout. Enjoy, and here’s to the saints!