Forward Today: Joining the work of prayer

Several Forward Movement staff members sitting in a circle of chairs in a small chapel.
Morning Prayer at the Forward Movement staff retreat

We welcome back Margaret Ellsworth, Forward Movement’s Marketing Coordinator, as our guest author this week.

Dear friends in Christ,

I’m writing you this message from the Forward Movement offices in downtown Cincinnati. Which probably sounds like the most normal thing in the world to you – but for me, it’s a novelty and a blessing. Usually I do my work for Forward Movement from my home office in Boise, Idaho. But this week (or last week, as you’re reading this), I got to join my colleagues in-person for a Forward Movement staff retreat.

We dreamed about what Forward Movement might look like in ten years, living out our mission and thriving in new ways. We got to know our colleagues as people, not just folks in the next cubicle or faces in a Zoom window. We brainstormed and we laughed and we prayed.

Something I noticed here in Cincinnati, for this rare moment when we were all gathered together in one place, is how everyone here at Forward Movement knows prayer to be part of their work. Not just helping our readers to pray. But praying for our readers, for each other, and for Jesus’ presence among us, all along the way.

Every member of this team – editors and fundraisers, email experts and data-gatherers, folks who ship the books and answer the phones – is holding you up in prayer, on a regular basis. Today I ask you if you’ll pray for us as well. As we dream about Forward Movement’s next projects and how we can support you in your discipleship and ministry, keep us in your prayers. And thank you for being part of this community.

Yours faithfully,

Margaret Ellsworth
Marketing Coordinator

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