Women & Angels of the Bible: Sarah Laughs with the Angels

Forward Movement Managing Editor Richelle Thompson recently chatted with Lindsay Hardin Freeman, author of the popular book Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter, and Kate Moorehead, author of the newly released Angels of the Bible: Finding Grace, Beauty, and Meaning. This discussion focused on Sara and her interaction with angels.

“The fact is: We know we can get viruses from other people, but we forget there’s a lot of things that are contagious. Joy is contagious. The Holy Spirit is contagious. We can still get a lot of good stuff from each other, too….So even though we can’t be physically together, we should not let that make us isolated. We should remember that we can still pass on great stuff to each other, even if it’s over a Zoom phone call.”

“We are out in the wilderness, out in exile. We have been thrown into isolation, whether we want to or not, fragmented and not sure how things will come together again. But I guess our challenge is to believe and know that they will.”

Read the full interview here

You can also listen to this conversation in a special episode of the Forward Day by Day podcast, released on May 7, 2020. 

Figure 5 Basilica of San Vitale, Abraham with the Angels at Mamre and the Sacrifice of Abraham, 547, Mosaic, Ravenna, Italy