Forward Today: Preparing to prepare

Dear friends in Christ,

The All Saints’ celebrations are behind us now, and that means it’s almost Advent. I don’t know about you, but it’s hard to believe it’s almost that time again. Ironic isn’t it? Advent sneaks up us – the season of preparation can leave us unprepared.

I encourage you to take a few moments to think about your own Advent. What will your Advent be like this year? Will you try to find some quiet time every day? What needs to happen in your schedule to make that happen? Will you read a book or a set of devotions? Time to get that book ordered! Will you pray differently, or perhaps serve those in need in a particular way? This all requires just a bit of planning.

The scriptures exhort us to keep our lamps trimmed and burning, ready to greet our Savior at a moment’s notice. It’s a lovely image, but it means we have to get a lamp, trim the wick, and have some oil ready. In other words, we have to prepare to prepare. Now is the time to do that for our Advent season, whether we’re thinking of our church or our home.

While Forward Movement has lots of Advent resources, there are plenty of ways to observe Advent without spending any money. And of course, lots of other publishers and organizations offer resources too. My point is not to sell you things, but to encourage you to prepare to prepare.

As for me, I have some extra praying to do. And I’ll probably find myself in church a bit more often this season. What will Advent look like for you? Are you ready?

Yours faithfully,




Today’s Flash Sale: O Wisdom

Drawn from the book of Isaiah, the O Antiphons have been sung in churches and monastic communities since at least the eighth century. These beautiful and awe-inspiring phrases present a way for us to sing along with the story of God, to ponder and praise the many names of our Lord.

Through meditations, art, poems, and photos created by people from across the church, this book offers space and time to embrace Jesus’ presence among us now—and await his coming in glory. Enjoy these prayers and praises throughout the seasons of Advent and Christmas. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Rejoice!

Contributors include: Furman Buchanan, Mariclair Partee Carlsen, Bill Carroll, Minda Cox, Lynn Domina, Vicki Bozzola Derka, Donna Z. Falcone, Alyssa Finke, Elizabeth Floyd, Andrew Garnett, Deborah Kaufman Giordano, Scott Gunn, Christine Havens, Rosalind C. Hughes, Sara Irwin, Cathy Johnson, Mark Bozzuti-Jones, Rachel Jones, Marguerite Kirchhoff, KariAnn Lessner, Pamela A. Lewis, Stephanie London, Leisa Phillips, Kathy Thaden, Richelle Thompson, and Ken Woodley.

Regular: $7
Today: $5.25

*Discount is valid until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time