Earth Day Litany

FrogDear Friends,

Happy Earth Day!

We hope you spend at least some of your day outside, enjoying the wonder and beauty of God’s creation. Today, we’re sharing an Earth Day Litany, written by our friend Betsy Rogers. We hope you will use this PDF any time you want to say a special thanks to God and be reminded of our holy job as caretakers of our island home.

Alleluia, Christ is Risen!

—Rachel Jones

“I’ve been involved with the Climate Change Coalition of Door County, in Wisconsin, for some years. As part of its work to educate the public and encourage climate action, the Coalition has fostered strong partnerships with several congregations—Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Moravian, Unitarian-Universalist, and United Church of Christ. Last spring we recognized a need for Earth Day prayers to be shared with these partners. A reverence for the Earth as God’s creation is a deeply important part of my own spirituality, and after thinking and praying about our responsibility as stewards, I wrote this litany. If others find it useful, I will be glad and grateful.” -Betsy Rogers

Download the Earth Day Litany here, and share with your friends and congregations!

Painting by Kathrin Burleson