Advent Actions: Week Two

Dear friends in Christ, 

Last week we suggested a few practices that might help transform this Advent into a time of active longing, not just passive longing. Please give these a try, and share your experiences on Forward Movement’s Facebook or Twitter feeds or own your own social media. Above all, join us in praying for God’s reign of justice, mercy, and righteousness. May we all be prepared to greet Jesus Christ when we meet him at Christmas, in our neighbors, or at the end of days.


Photo via Flickr user storebukkebruse / Creative Commons


  • Have real conversations with your neighbors this week, the kind that move beyond small talk. Try listening more than you speak. Ask more questions than you share answers. What do you hear? Can you name something that you learned from a neighbor for the first time?


  • Learn more about a non-profit in your community. Visit their website, read a newsletter, or talk with a staff member. What needs do they see in the community? Are you being called to support this non-profit in some way? Where is God at work in what they are doing?


  • Gather friends or family around a meal table. What stories do you know of people, living in times of turmoil, who manifested the love of God? How did their lives point to something beyond themselves? What can you do to make a place for Jesus Christ to shine forth in your life so that you are a saint for others?


Remember to share your experience with friends, either in person or online. Please consider posting these stories here in the comments or on Forward Movement’s Facebook or Twitter feeds.